2 months ago


Investment scams

Customers have flagged Options360des.com for operating an investment scam. The website, only 142 days old at the time of reporting, is relatively new. The phone numbers listed for customer service on the site are unresponsive, and the business address provided is bogus. Furthermore, the company is conspicuously absent from social media platforms.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where unsuspecting individuals are tricked into putting their money into investments that promise high returns but are actually worthless or non-existent. The scammers usually disappear with the money, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It tricks individuals into spending money on investments that are fake or not as profitable as promised. Scammers often use persuasive tactics. They promise high returns with low risk, which is a red flag. They may also use pressure tactics. They create a sense of urgency to invest immediately. This is a common strategy to prevent potential investors from doing thorough research. Another sign is unregistered investments. Scammers often promote these because they lack the oversight and regulation of legitimate investments. They may also use complex jargon. This is to confuse potential investors and make the scam seem more legitimate. Investment scams can take many forms. They include pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes and pump-and-dump stock schemes.


Hikingluck.com has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. The website’s registration only occurred recently; specifically, the domain was registered a mere 92 days ago at the time of our investigation. A clear indication of the deceit is the unauthentic images used to represent products, failing to depict the actual items for sale. Additionally, the […]


The website Ellitegroupscapitals.com has been identified as a fraudulent operation. It promises huge returns on your investment, but the reality is quite different. Once you transfer the money to them, it vanishes as the culprits behind the scam disappear. The site is riddled with unfilled pages, filled with generic content and placeholder text. Reviews for […]


Franzinishoes.com, a website that’s barely two months old, has been flagged as a potential fraudulent online store. A glaring issue is the absence of a customer service phone number, which is typically a vital component of any legitimate online business. A closer look at the website reveals various pages still in the development phase, filled […]


Credence-hub.com has fallen under scrutiny, the accusation being a crypto exchange scam. Promising massive returns on investment, the website lures unsuspecting investors. Yet, instead of profit, the investors find their money has slipped into the hands of scammers. The site displays images that are false, adding to the deceit. The scam came to light when […]


Reports have surfaced that Bluerain.online has been involved in fraudulent investment activities. The platform entices potential investors with promises of huge returns, only to vanish with their money once they invest. A careful examination of the website reveals numerous incomplete pages filled with default content and placeholder text, adding to its dubiousness. Further casting doubt […]

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