2 months ago


Crypto scams

Capsassetsltd.com has been flagged as a potential cryptocurrency scam. Despite being a newly registered website, only 138 days old at the time of reporting, it already raises several red flags. The contact numbers provided on the site seem to be out of service, and the business address displayed doesn’t exist. Interestingly, the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Moreover, there are no reviews available for the company on any of the well-known consumer review platforms. The site promises high returns on investments, but after you invest, the money vanishes, along with the scammers.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme that involves tricking individuals into investing in cryptocurrencies with the promise of high returns. However, once the investment is made, the scammers disappear with the money, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam involves fraudulent schemes using cryptocurrencies. Scammers lure victims with promises of high returns. They exploit the complex nature of cryptocurrencies, which many people do not fully understand. Common tactics include Ponzi schemes and fake initial coin offerings (ICOs). In a Ponzi scheme, returns for older investors are paid by new investors. Fake ICOs involve selling non-existent digital tokens. Scammers also use social media and email campaigns for their deceit. They impersonate reputable cryptocurrency experts or companies. Their messages often contain links to fake websites where victims are tricked into revealing their private keys or payment information. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Our examination reveals that Exclusive-wealth.ltd falls under the category of investment frauds. The website, at first glance, seems to promise significant returns on initial investments. However, in reality, it’s just a smokescreen for swindlers who vanish once they get their hands on the deposited money. The lack of a customer service phone number is a […]


Aiwalletfx.com has been found to be conducting fraudulent investment activities. They have a crafty way of convincing you that your investments will yield high returns. However, once you’ve parted with your money, they vanish without a trace. Notably, none of the prominent review platforms have any feedback about them. Their social media presence is also […]


Apaxstocks.xyz has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency platform. The alarm was raised when the website was still in its infancy. The site promises substantial returns on your investment, but the reality is far from it. Once you invest your money, the fraudsters behind the site abscond with it. The content on the website is […]


Avaonlinetrade.com, a relatively new website at just over a month old, has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. Alarmingly, it lacks any visible customer service contact, which is a crucial element for legitimate businesses. The website promises substantial returns on investments, but these are empty promises designed to entice unsuspecting victims. Once the investment […]


Bakersauthoritys.shop, a website that’s been operational for a mere 29 days, has garnered attention for all the wrong reasons. On the surface, it seems to sell baking goods, but a closer examination reveals a myriad of red flags indicating it’s a scam. A conspicuous absence of a customer support phone number is one such warning […]

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