2 months ago


Crypto scams

People have flagged Expertoptions-trade.com as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, only 139 days old at the time of these complaints, lacks a customer service phone number. The address listed for the company is also invalid. It has no significant presence on social media platforms. Furthermore, there are no reviews available for the company on any well-known consumer review websites. The site promises large profits, but there are reports of scammers disappearing with the deposits.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme involving digital currencies. Scammers often promise high returns to lure in victims, only to disappear with their money.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme involving cryptocurrencies. Scammers often promise high returns on investments. They may use sophisticated websites and social media campaigns to appear legitimate. They often ask for upfront payments in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. Once the payment is made, the scammer disappears. Another tactic is the "pump and dump". Scammers inflate the price of a lesser-known cryptocurrency, then sell their own shares when others start buying. In Ponzi schemes, scammers promise profits to investors from the funds paid by later investors. This is unsustainable and eventually collapses with later investors losing their money. Fake ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) are another common scam. Scammers create a fake project, collect investments, then disappear. These are just some of the tactics used in crypto scams. They all rely on deception and exploiting people's trust.


The digital platform, Bnlgwrd.digital, has come under scrutiny for being a swindle in the investment sector. The site promises substantial returns on any funds you pour into it, but the reality is a sad tale of your money disappearing into the pockets of fraudsters. A close inspection of the website’s content reveals a complete lack […]


Zlitelights.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online shop. The website, barely 131 days old at the point of discovery, lacks a contact number for customer service. It provides misleading information, including a false business address. The graphics displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. Moreover, the company has no […]


The website Oreliajewelry.com is suspected of being involved in a fraudulent scheme. It uses false images and the content of the site appears to copy material from other similar platforms, suggesting it’s not genuine. The variety of items it offers is misleading and potentially dangerous, as the products are made from subpar raw materials. The […]


After conducting thorough research, it has been determined that Capitalholdingslimited.org is not a legitimate investment platform. They promise large returns on your funds, but in reality, they simply take your money and vanish. The company has no presence in the form of reviews on well-known consumer review websites. A conspicuous absence of social media activity […]


People have reported Profitablefxoptiontrade.com as an investment scam. The website is only 11 days old. It doesn’t show a customer service phone number. The company’s social media accounts have no followers. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you invest, the scammers take your money and disappear. No reviews for the company exist […]

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