3 months ago


Fake stores

Ellaoutletsale.com operates a fraudulent store scheme. The website, only 128 days old at the time of this report, lacks a customer service phone number. The company’s address listed on the site is fake. Images displayed on the site misrepresent the actual products sold. The company has no social media presence, and reviews about the company are non-existent.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These scams often display misleading images of products, have no customer service contact, and use fake addresses. They typically lack social media presence and customer reviews.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Fake store scams are a type of online fraud. Scammers create websites that mimic legitimate online stores. They offer popular products at significantly lower prices to attract victims. The websites often appear professional and may even display security badges. These are designed to gain your trust. However, these badges are often fake and provide no real security. Once a purchase is made, the scammer either doesn't deliver the product or sends a counterfeit or inferior one. In some cases, they use the credit card information provided during the transaction for additional fraudulent charges. Remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always research online stores and read reviews before making a purchase.


Zdoubtpermat.com has been reported in the fake online store category on February 17th, 2023. Zdoubtpermat.com is a newly registered domain name, the registration date is February 1, 2023. Complaints were first submitted when the website was only 16 days old. The website is using generic Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy pages. No customer support […]


A new site called Millionairefx.online is running an investment scam. The domain is only 19 days old. They promise huge returns on your money, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your cash. The site is run by people from overseas. There’s no customer service phone number, and the address listed for the business […]


Kevindestin.com, a recently established website, operates a deceptive online store. The site’s administration appears to be based in China, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. The domain was a mere 91 days old when it was reported, suggesting a potentially fraudulent operation. Moreover, the images displayed on the site do not truthfully represent the products on […]


Elitemarketfx.com is perpetuating an investment fraud. They make tempting promises of high returns to lure investors. However, once you invest your money, they vanish into thin air, along with your funds. Oddly, the company has no social media presence, a red flag in today’s interconnected world. Several sections of their website are incomplete, filled with […]


Reports indicate that Advancebinance.org is a fraudulent investment platform. They lure potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. The customer service details provided on the website are unattainable through the given phone numbers. The website is a recent creation, with the domain […]

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