3 months ago


Fake stores

Coriumhpera.com, a website that’s been active for 128 days, is under scrutiny for running a fake store scam. There’s no customer support phone number available on the site, raising suspicions. Additionally, the photos displayed on the site are not genuine, further fueling doubts about its legitimacy. The company’s complete absence from social media platforms is another red flag. Moreover, the physical address listed on the website doesn’t correspond to any existing business, adding to the growing list of concerns.

A fake store scam involves a website posing as a legitimate online store, but in reality, it’s a fraudulent scheme designed to deceive customers into giving away their personal and financial information.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceitful scheme. Scammers create a fake online store. The store looks real, offering popular products at low prices. The scammers entice people to buy. They use tactics like limited-time offers or low stock alerts. These tactics create a sense of urgency. Once the purchase is made, the scammers take the money. But, they never send the product. The store then disappears from the internet. The victims are left with no product, and no way to get their money back. In some cases, the scammers may also steal personal information. This information can be used for identity theft. The victims may not realize they've been scammed until it's too late.


The website known as Sibyldick.com has been identified as perpetrating a fraudulent online store scheme. The website was fairly new at the time of discovery, having only been in operation for 55 days. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. The content on the website is […]


Eminnovationassetpro.com is scamming people with a fake crypto exchange. The website is only 103 days old. Many pages are still under construction, filled with placeholder text. The company has no followers on social media. The site contains copied content from other websites, which makes it obvious that it’s not original. A crypto exchange scam tricks […]


Bitqwise.com has been identified as a fraudulent cryptocurrency platform. This discovery was made just 144 days after the website’s launch. Interestingly, the site lacks a customer service phone number, a red flag for potential users. Furthermore, the address provided on the website is fictitious, raising more suspicions about its legitimacy. Surprisingly, the company has no […]


Trustbulltrade.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. They lure you in with promises of high returns on your investments, but once you transfer your funds, they vanish without a trace. The website is littered with pages that are still under development, filled with generic text and stand-in content. The partnerships that they boast […]


Consumers have reported that Express-safepayouts.com is engaging in an investment scam. They make enticing promises of high profits for your investment, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. Surprisingly, there are no reviews for this company on popular consumer review websites. Additionally, the company lacks a presence on social media, which raises […]

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