4 months ago


Fake stores

Cammisag.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The website, only 127 days old when identified, lacks a customer service phone number. The images displayed on the site are not genuine. The site does not provide an official business name. There are no social media profiles linked to the business. Furthermore, the company lacks any reviews on well-known consumer review websites.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters create a bogus online store to trick customers into buying non-existent products or services. They often use fake images and lack customer service contact information. These scams typically have no social media presence and lack reviews on popular consumer websites.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceitful tactic used by fraudsters. They create a fake online store, offering products at significantly lower prices. These "too good to be true" deals are a lure to attract unsuspecting customers. The scammers often use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions to make their store seem legitimate. They may even have customer reviews and ratings. However, these are often fabricated. Once a purchase is made, the customer either receives a counterfeit item or nothing at all. The fraudsters then disappear, taking the money and leaving the customer with no recourse. In some cases, they may also steal credit card information for further fraudulent activities. Despite the sophisticated appearance of these fake stores, they often have some telltale signs. These include poor grammar and spelling, lack of contact information, and non-secure payment methods.


Cryptobinarytrade.com, a relatively new website, has been found to be involved in fraudulent activities. The site promises significant growth on investments, but after the money is invested, the fraudsters abscond with it. The website, at the time of discovery, was a mere 95 days old. The absence of a customer service phone number on the […]


Shophouseboatkings.shop is operating a deceptive online shop. The products they advertise are represented by generic stock images, which raises suspicion about their authenticity. The items they sell are not genuine and may pose risks due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. The website’s content lacks originality and uniqueness, further undermining its credibility. A […]


Goldfxlimited.org might be a deceptive crypto exchange operation. They promise high returns on investments, yet vanish after receiving the funds. The company lacks a social media presence. A foreign entity or individuals manage the website. The site contains numerous incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and default content. The company’s legal establishment in its claimed […]


Zeldainvestment.com, a recently launched website, has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The site promises substantial returns on investments, however, upon investing, the fraudsters disappear with your money. The website, which is barely 100 days old, lacks essential details such as a customer service phone number. Moreover, the business address provided on the site […]


Consumers have flagged Fastertradingfx.com as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Detected when the website was merely 121 days old, it raised several red flags. It lacks a customer support phone number and the address listed for the company is invalid. The business name it operates under isn’t registered with the secretary of state. It’s also conspicuously […]

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