3 months ago


Fake stores

Anciendiamond.com operates a fraudulent online store. The website, which is just over four months old, lacks a customer service phone number. The products offered are not genuine, but rather low-quality imitations that could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. Furthermore, there’s no trace of the company’s presence on any social media platforms.

A fake store scam involves a deceptive online store that sells counterfeit products or doesn’t deliver purchases at all. These scams often lack customer service and have no social media presence. The websites may be new and use misleading images to misrepresent the items they’re selling.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent activity where con artists create a counterfeit online store. These stores often mimic well-known brands to lure unsuspecting customers. The scammers use attractive deals and discounts to draw in their victims. They promise high-quality items at incredibly low prices. To make the store look genuine, they use stolen or copied images and descriptions. They also create fake reviews to boost credibility. Once a purchase is made, the buyer either receives a counterfeit product, a product vastly inferior to what was advertised or nothing at all. In some cases, the scammers use the buyer's credit card information for further fraudulent activities. Fake store scams can cause significant financial loss and personal stress for victims.


Cberrywtfx.com, a website that’s been active for 144 days, is currently under scrutiny for running an investment scam. The absence of a customer service phone number raises red flags, and the official business name remains undisclosed on the site. Moreover, the company’s lack of social media presence further fuels suspicions about its legitimacy. An investment […]


Premiumcoinpro.com, a website that’s only 145 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. The contact numbers listed on the site are disconnected, and the physical address of the business is unverifiable. Furthermore, the company seems to have no presence on social media, and there are no reviews to be found. The site […]


We’ve found that Midlabd.com isn’t what it appears to be. It’s a recently launched website, with the domain name being a mere 67 days old when we investigated. The lack of a customer service phone number on the website is a glaring red flag. Notably, the site contains copied content from other sources, undermining its […]


Hikingluck.com has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. The website’s registration only occurred recently; specifically, the domain was registered a mere 92 days ago at the time of our investigation. A clear indication of the deceit is the unauthentic images used to represent products, failing to depict the actual items for sale. Additionally, the […]


Our investigation reveals that Tractfolio.net is a fraudulent operation, posing as an investment platform. They entice you with promises of high returns on your investments, only to disappear with your money once you’ve invested. It’s a classic case of bait and switch. In our digital age, a company’s social media presence is often indicative of […]

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