3 months ago


Investment scams

Trade-xglobal.org is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They do not provide a customer service phone number on their website. The address they claim as their business location is a sham. The state they claim to be registered in has no record of their business name. Furthermore, they have no social media presence. They promise substantial returns, but it’s been reported that they disappear with the investors’ deposits.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters trick people into giving them money, promising high returns on their investment. However, these con artists run off with the money, leaving the investors with nothing.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. Scammers entice individuals to invest in fraudulent schemes. They promise high returns with little risk. This is a common characteristic of such scams. Scammers use persuasive tactics, These include pressure to invest quickly and promises of insider information. They may also flaunt impressive credentials or references. Scams often involve investments in commodities, real estate, and even cryptocurrencies. The investments may appear legitimate at first. However, the money invested is typically used to pay off earlier investors, creating a false sense of profitability. In reality, the scammer is simply shuffling funds around. When new investments run dry, the scam collapses. The scammer disappears, leaving investors with significant losses.


Our investigation has revealed that Pionex-mineing.net is involved in fraudulent activities. This website is promising high returns on investments, tempting people to invest their money. However, once the money is invested, the fraudsters vanish with it. Surprisingly, the company does not have any reviews on well-known consumer review platforms. Furthermore, they have no visible social […]


Ultimateoptionsinvestment.com, a website that’s been around for a little over three months, is under scrutiny for alleged fraudulent activities. The site promises significant growth on investments, only to abscond with the money once it’s invested. Notably, the website lacks a customer support phone number, a red flag for potential investors. Furthermore, the site displays reviews […]


Vidjfne.shop, it seems, is running a counterfeit store scam. This online shop peddles imitation products that could potentially be hazardous due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. The physical address listed on the website is bogus, and the business itself is not legally registered in the state it purports to operate […]


Consumers have flagged Pojkklader.com for conducting fraudulent business activities. The website, with a domain name just 57 days old at the time of this revelation, is freshly registered. It has been observed that the content on this site lacks uniqueness, apparently copied from other similar websites. The products displayed on the website are deceptive, posing […]


It’s come to light that Homekitbargain.com may not be all that it seems. Accusations of it being a fraudulent online store have surfaced, with the website’s content appearing to be copied from other, similar websites. The items advertised as authentic products are, in fact, counterfeit, posing a possible risk due to the substandard quality of […]

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