3 months ago


Crypto scams

Flipsterexchange.com, a supposed crypto exchange, has been identified as a scam. The discovery was made when the site was merely 121 days old. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number. Furthermore, the business name it claims to operate under is not registered in the state it purports to be based in. The company’s online partnerships are also fictitious. Its social media accounts have no followers, and there are no reviews of the company to be found anywhere.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent operation where a website claims to offer cryptocurrency trading services but is actually designed to defraud users of their money or personal information. These scams often lack transparency, have no verifiable business registration, and may present fake partnerships or non-existent customer service.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Crypto exchange scams are fraudulent schemes that trick people into investing in non-existent cryptocurrencies. Scammers often create a fake exchange platform. They promise high returns and minimal risks to lure investors. These scams often use flashy websites and technical jargon. They make their platform look legitimate and sophisticated. Some even offer referral bonuses to encourage victims to recruit more people. Scammers may also manipulate the price of a real cryptocurrency on their platform. They inflate the price to make it seem like an attractive investment. Once they've collected enough money, they disappear, leaving their victims with significant losses. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always do your research before investing in any cryptocurrency.


Primebullish.com, a new website, runs an investment scam. They promise high returns on your first investment, but once you deposit money, they disappear with it. The site lists a fake business address. At the time of this report, the site was only 13 days old. There is no customer service phone number. The company’s social […]


Vidjfne.shop, it seems, is running a counterfeit store scam. This online shop peddles imitation products that could potentially be hazardous due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. The physical address listed on the website is bogus, and the business itself is not legally registered in the state it purports to operate […]


Nghfjyt.com, a relatively new website at just 68 days old, has been identified as running a fraudulent online store. The absence of a customer service phone number is one of the glaring red flags. The content on the website seems to be a mirror image of other similar sites, suggesting a possible content duplication. The […]


Fashionestablish.com, a website that’s been active for a mere 91 days, has received accusations of operating a counterfeit store scam. The site’s product images are not original, but rather stock photographs, arousing suspicions. There are indications that the operations originate from China. The products displayed for sale are not genuine, and there’s a potential risk […]


Intrexmarkethub.com has been identified as running an investment scam. The website promises high returns on your investment, but once you invest, the scammers abscond with your funds. The images shown on the site do not accurately represent the actual product being sold. The scam came to light within just 41 days of the website’s creation. […]

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