3 months ago


Crypto scams

Basecry.com, a website that’s been active for 120 days, is operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The phone numbers listed on the site are currently nonfunctional, and the business address shown is not genuine. Furthermore, the business name doesn’t appear in the state registry where it claims to be located. A noticeable absence of social media presence raises further suspicions. Moreover, there’s no trace of any customer reviews for the company.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent website, like Basecry.com, that pretends to offer cryptocurrency trading services. These sites often provide fake contact information, are not registered with any regulatory bodies, and lack a social media presence or customer reviews.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme involving cryptocurrencies. Scammers create fake crypto exchanges to trick people into depositing their digital assets. These platforms often look very professional and trustworthy. They promise high returns on investments or offer bonuses for depositing more crypto. The scammers may also use social engineering tactics. They manipulate people into believing they're dealing with a legitimate business. Once the victims deposit their cryptocurrencies, the scammers disappear. The victims lose access to their digital assets. The scammers then use the stolen cryptocurrencies for their own purposes. In some cases, these fake exchanges also manipulate trading volumes. They create an illusion of liquidity and popularity. This deception lures more victims into the scam.


Bargain-living.com, a relatively new site at just 56 days old at the time of discovery, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The site’s content seems to be unoriginal, potentially copied from other sources. It offers an inventory of counterfeited goods that could pose a safety risk due to the substandard materials used in […]


My-jewels.shop is operating a deceptive scheme. Their social media accounts lack any followers, indicating a lack of engagement or credibility. The website is filled with pages still in their development stage, brimming with default content and placeholder tags. The images shown on the site fail to provide a true representation of the products they’re selling. […]


Outletopen-air.com, despite its seemingly legitimate facade, has been exposed as a fraudulent online store. The deceit was uncovered merely 92 days after the website’s inception. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. Additionally, the address provided for the business is incorrect. The content on the website […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Oasis-trading.online, alleging that it’s involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The website, which was only 75 days old at the time of these reports, makes enticing promises of rapid financial growth. However, when individuals invest their money, the perpetrators behind the scam disappear with the funds. Interestingly, the business does not […]


Arexainvest.com is running a collection scam. Their customer service phone number isn’t available on the site. The associations the company mentions on its website aren’t real. Fake reviews from made-up customers flood the website. It has no followers on social media. A collection scam tricks people into paying money for fake debts or services.

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