3 months ago


Investment scams

Ai-growthlimited.com, a website that’s been up for only 121 days, has been identified as an investment scam. Despite claiming to be a legally established business, no evidence supports this claim. The website lacks a customer service phone number, a red flag for any legitimate business. Furthermore, it has zero social media followers and no reviews, raising further suspicions. The site promises substantial profits if you invest. However, once you do, the money disappears, and so do the scammers.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to part with their money, lured by the promise of significant returns. However, the fraudsters pocket the money and disappear, leaving the investors with nothing.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive practices. They trick people into putting money into fake or highly risky ventures. Scammers promise high returns, fast profits, or guaranteed success. They use persuasive language and create a sense of urgency. These fraudsters often showcase impressive credentials. They show fake documents or websites to appear legitimate. They prey on people's desire for financial gain. Scammers use various tactics. They might cold-call potential victims, use email phishing, or even social media. They often target vulnerable groups like the elderly. Common types of investment scams include Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, and pump-and-dump scams. In all cases, the scammer benefits while the victim loses their hard-earned money.


Customers have raised complaints about Apparel-autumn.com, accusing it of being a fraudulent online store. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 92 days prior to this report. A glaring omission on the site is the lack of a customer service phone number. The business address provided on the website is also false. The […]


Optimaldefihub.com, a relatively new website, has been flagged as a fraudulent crypto exchange. The site, barely a month old, promises high yield returns on initial investments, only to be a smokescreen for fraudsters. These unscrupulous individuals siphon off the invested funds and vanish without a trace. Notably, the company lacks reviews on major consumer review […]


Lozdoski.com, a fairly new website at just 67 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. It lacks any available customer service contact, specifically a phone number, which raises suspicion. The content presented on the site lacks originality, suggesting it hasn’t been copied from similar, more reputable pages. The goods sold on this […]


We’ve found that Midlabd.com isn’t what it appears to be. It’s a recently launched website, with the domain name being a mere 67 days old when we investigated. The lack of a customer service phone number on the website is a glaring red flag. Notably, the site contains copied content from other sources, undermining its […]


Dynamicdaytrades.com is a new site running an investment scam. They promise huge returns on your first investment, but once you deposit your money, they disappear. The website is only 11 days old. It lacks a customer service phone number. No reviews exist outside of their own pages. The company also has no social media accounts. […]

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