4 months ago


Crypto scams

Capitalfinancialtrades.com, a website that’s been live for 98 days, is reported to be involved in a crypto scam. Consumers have voiced concerns about the lack of a customer service contact number on the site. It also doesn’t display an official business name. The site features reviews, but they’re not genuine. They promise high returns on investments, but once you invest, the money disappears. The site doesn’t have any social media accounts, which raises further doubts.

A crypto scam involves fraudulent schemes that trick people into investing in cryptocurrencies with the promise of high returns, only to steal the invested money. It often involves fake websites and reviews, lack of official business information and customer service, and absence of social media presence.

Red Flags

Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No social media
A crypto scam tricks people into investing in fake digital currencies. Scammers usually promise quick returns or huge profits. They may use flashy websites and technical jargon to seem legitimate. These fraudsters often use social media to spread their lies. They might impersonate celebrities or known crypto investors. Another tactic they use is "pump and dump" schemes. Here, they artificially inflate the value of a crypto coin, then sell off their own holdings causing the price to plummet. Victims are typically pressured into acting quickly to avoid missing out. Some scammers even offer bonuses for referring others. Once you've invested, they make it hard to withdraw your funds. Remember, if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stay vigilant.


Sharespocketoption.com has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The website, which is relatively new with a domain age of just 103 days, lacks a customer service contact number. It promises substantial returns on initial investments, but once the money is deposited, the perpetrators disappear with it. Surprisingly, the company has no presence on social […]


Bitrecoveryservice.com has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The suspicion arose when the website was merely 99 days into its existence. The site purports to function under a business name that doesn’t appear in the records of the state where it claims to be located. The address provided on the website doesn’t correspond to […]


Consumers have reported Datast.cloud for operating an investment scheme. The website gives a false impression of considerable profits from initial investments. Actually, it is a cover for fraudsters who abscond with the deposited money. Apart from the site’s own pages, there are no reviews available. The company doesn’t have a solid presence on social media. […]


The detection of a crypto exchange scam is tied to the website Mainglobals.com. Being a mere 25 days old at the time of discovery, the website lures unsuspecting investors with the promise of substantial returns. Yet, the invested money ends up in the pockets of the scammers who then vanish without a trace. The website […]


Our investigation has unveiled that Assotechtrade.com is not a legitimate investment platform. It lures unsuspecting investors with the promise of significant returns. However, once the investment is made, the money is taken by the scammers who then vanish without a trace. The lack of an official business name on the website further raises suspicion. The […]

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