8 months ago


Fake stores

Shopluxefurniture.shop is currently under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which is a mere 110 days old, lacks a customer service phone number, raising suspicion. Furthermore, the site’s content appears to be replicated from other web pages, undermining its authenticity. The products displayed on the website are dubious, posing potential risks due to the poor quality of materials used. The images used do not accurately depict the products being sold, further casting doubt on the site’s legitimacy. The website also contains numerous incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and default content. Additionally, the company’s absence from social media platforms is a red flag.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a fraudulent online store is created to trick customers into purchasing non-existent or substandard products. These scams often involve the use of copied content, false product images, and lack of customer service.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No refund policy
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam operates online. They create websites that look like legitimate stores. They offer products at very low prices. These prices can often be too good to be true. Scammers use high-quality images. They copy descriptions from reputable sites. They even include detailed product specifications. All in an attempt to appear authentic. After making a purchase, the buyer never receives their products. The scammer may ignore their emails or offer excuses for delivery delays. Eventually, the website disappears without trace, taking your money with them. Payments made on these fake online stores are often untraceable. These can be through cryptocurrencies, wire transfers or prepaid cards. This makes it nearly impossible for you to recover your money. Scammers are skillful at manipulating their victims. They use pressure tactics, like limited quantity or time offers. This sense of urgency leads people to make hasty purchases, bypassing usual security checks.


Reports have emerged about Scambustersinc.com, a website suspected of being a crypto scam. The website, which was only 80 days old at the time it was flagged, purports to operate under a business name that isn’t registered with the secretary of state. The contact numbers provided on the site seem to be disconnected, raising further […]


Limitlesstradesltd.com operates a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise you lucrative returns on your investment. However, once you invest, the deceitful operators abscond with your money. The website’s social media following is non-existent. A lot of pages on their site are underdeveloped, crammed with unchanged content and placeholder notes. The partnerships boasted on the company’s website […]


Reports are coming in that Gossipwearshop.com is a sham. With a lifespan of just 53 days at the time of accusation, the website has raised suspicions. Surprisingly, you won’t find a customer service phone number listed anywhere on the site. The content it boasts seems far from original, probably lifted from similar sites. The photos […]


Kihena.store has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. Detected merely 55 days after its creation, the site has proven to be less than legitimate. It’s easy to spot that the content on the site isn’t original. Despite having a presence on social media, it has yet to garner a following. There are also several […]


The website Optimum-funds.com, a mere month old, has been identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange platform. Their enticing promise of rapid financial growth is nothing but a trap to swindle unsuspecting investors. Once the money is invested, the perpetrators pocket it and disappear. Tellingly, the company lacks any social media footprint. Additionally, there’s no way […]

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