8 months ago


Fake stores

Shophomepacific.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The merchandise offered on this site is not genuine and could pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their production. The website’s content doesn’t exhibit originality, but rather, it appears to copy other similar sites. The images showcased on this site are not authentic. When this report was made, the website had been active for 99 days. Unfortunately, the website lacks a customer support phone number. Furthermore, the company has no visible presence on any social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a fraudulent online store pretends to sell legitimate products. These stores often use copied images and descriptions from genuine sites, and the products they deliver are usually of inferior quality or sometimes, they never deliver anything at all. They typically lack customer support and have no presence on social media.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No contact page
No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is an online scheme where scammers create a bogus online store. They present themselves as legitimate businesses selling high-demand products. Often, these products are offered at incredibly low prices to lure unsuspecting customers. The scammers design their websites to look professional and secure. They mimic real online stores with high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. These fraudsters prey on consumers' trust by displaying fake customer reviews and testimonials. Once an order is placed, the scammers either send a lower quality item, a counterfeit, or nothing at all. In some cases, they also steal the customer's credit card information for further fraudulent activities. The victim is left with no product, loss of money, and potential identity theft.


Our investigation reveals that Etal-australia.shop is functioning as a fraudulent online shop. The images displayed on this site do not accurately depict the products for sale. The items showcased on this digital platform are counterfeit and could potentially pose safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their creation. The website contains unauthentic content, […]


Helpcazh.com has been identified as a fraudulent website. While it promises high returns on investments, the reality is that once you invest your money, it is taken by the fraudsters who disappear. The website is full of incomplete pages riddled with generic content and placeholder text. The company’s presence on social media platforms is almost […]


Exchangebitrise.com, a young website of just 78 days, is currently involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The customer service numbers listed on their site are not responding, raising some red flags. They lure people in with the promise of significant returns on their investments. However, once the investment is made, these swindler’s disappear, taking the money […]


Reports have surfaced about Binancekiller.com, indicating it as a fraudulent investment platform. Investors are enticed with the allure of high returns on their initial investments. However, once the money is deposited, the scammers disappear, leaving the investors high and dry. The physical address provided for the business is fictitious, adding to the growing list of […]


Annualornaments.shop is an online store that has been identified as a fraudulent operation. The products sold on this platform are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to the inferior materials used in their production. When it was discovered, the website was still in its infancy. A glaring omission on the site is the lack of a customer […]

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