9 months ago


Fake stores

Shopdrmower.shop, a relatively new website at just 99 days old, is perpetuating a fraudulent store scam. This was discovered when it was noticed that the website’s content was not original, but rather copied from other pages, undermining its authenticity. The products displayed on the site are dubious and could potentially pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number. Furthermore, the website utilizes generic stock images for the products it advertises. The company’s social media accounts also raise suspicion, as they have no followers.

A fake store scam is when a website pretends to be a legitimate online store, but in reality, it’s a scheme to trick people into buying non-existent products. These scams often use copied content and stock images, have no customer service contact, and their social media accounts have no followers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No social media
Fake store scams exploit the trust of online shopping enthusiasts. Scammers set up fake websites, online stores or social media pages that mirror reputable retailers. They make the site look convincing with professional images and descriptions, and tempting prices. These scammers often promise high-end products at incredibly low prices. Be it electronics, fashion items, or even pet supplies, the variety is huge. Their main intent is getting hold of your personal and financial information. They succeed by luring you with too good to be true deals. By the time you realize the store is a scam, the scammers have your credit card details, and they disappear without a trace. Sometimes, they even send counterfeit or low-quality products which are not worth the amount paid. This way, they ensure the scam continues for a longer period. It's a sophisticated fraud that's hard to pinpoint until it's too late.


Growintrade.com, a recently established website, is engaging in a deceitful crypto exchange practice. The website’s domain registration is relatively fresh, being only 78 days old at the time of this investigation. Notably, the site lacks any customer service contact information, which is a significant red flag. Growintrade.com lures potential investors with promises of substantial profits. […]


Customers have made claims against Bathroomessentiel.com, accusing it of operating a fraudulent online store. The product images displayed on the site are misleading and do not accurately depict the actual items for sale. The scam was discovered when the website had been operational for less than two months. A glaring issue is the absence of […]


Ultimateoptionaltrade.com, a website that has been active for 109 days, is unfortunately operating under false pretenses. It presents itself as a lucrative investment opportunity in the realm of cryptocurrency, promising substantial returns. However, once the investment is made, the individuals behind the website disappear, taking your hard-earned money with them. The location details provided for […]


Reports indicate that Jackemily.top appears to be a bogus online retail outlet. The website content seems unoriginal and likely copied from other similar sites. The items on offer are of dubious authenticity and their low-quality materials could pose a risk. The site uses counterfeit images to market these products. Scrutiny of the site reveals several […]


You might want to be cautious with Ascentcapitals.com, as it seems to be orchestrating a fraudulent investment operation. They’re promising high returns on your investment, but once your money is committed, the fraudsters vanish. The company’s address, as listed on their website, is a sham. The phone numbers provided for contact fail to connect. Alarmingly, […]

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