9 months ago


Fake stores

Orientallampshade.shop is an online marketplace that has been identified as a fraudulent operation. The goods sold on this platform are not authentic and could potentially pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their production. The authenticity of the website’s content is questionable, as it seems to be copied from similar sites. The images displayed on this site are not genuine. Numerous incomplete pages with preloaded content and placeholder text can be found on the website. There is no customer service phone number provided on the website. Furthermore, there is a noticeable absence of reviews for this company on well-known consumer review platforms.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent operation where an online store pretends to sell genuine products, but in reality, they either deliver counterfeit items or nothing at all. These scams often use copied content and images from legitimate websites, and lack customer service contact information. They also typically have no reviews on reputable consumer review sites.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam is a deceitful tactic where fraudsters create an online storefront that looks legitimate. These scammers use impressive graphics, detailed product descriptions, and low prices to attract unsuspecting buyers. Often, these fake stores offer popular or high-demand items. The prices are usually too good to be true, which is a key indicator of a potential scam. Scammers use various tricks to deceive people. They may display fake customer reviews to build trust. The store might also claim to have limited stock or time-limited deals to pressure people into buying quickly. Typically, after purchasing, the buyer never receives the product. Alternatively, they receive an item that is vastly different from what advertised. In either case, the scammer usually disappears, leaving the buyer without any recourse for getting their money back.


Tomaloaqui.com, a 26-day-old website, operates a counterfeit store scam. There’s a lack of any customer service contact number on the site. The business address it provides has been proven false. The products’ images on the site don’t truly represent the items on sale. Numerous incomplete pages on the site display standard content and filler text. […]


Bigbathroomstore.com is allegedly implicated in a counterfeit store scam. This site has seemingly lost its distinctiveness due to striking resemblances to other similar sites’ content. The authenticity of the items offered for purchase on this site is questionable, with the potential risk stemming from inferior quality materials used in their production. It appears that the […]


The website Housewareplush.com has been flagged for being a fraudulent online store. It was identified as such when it was just 52 days old. The website features content that appears to have been copied from other similar sources. Products for sale on this site are knockoffs, and the inferior quality of the materials used in […]


Bitchainblocks.com faces accusations of perpetrating a cryptocurrency exchange fraud. This online platform promises substantial returns on investments. However, when investors transfer their funds, the individuals behind the site allegedly abscond with the money. The company maintains an extremely low profile on social media. The website lacks any contact number for customer service. The fraudulent activities […]


It appears that Barproductsus.shop is attempting to deceive consumers by posing as a legitimate online store. Recently launched, the website’s domain is barely 25 days old at the time of our investigation. Unfortunately, they fail to provide a customer service phone number for queries or complaints. The authenticity of the content on their site seems […]

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