9 months ago


Fake stores

Momentouslivings.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The products advertised on this site are not only false but could also pose a risk due to the inferior quality of materials used in their creation. The authenticity of the content on this site is questionable, as it doesn’t seem to align with similar pages. As of this report, the website is 95 days old. Interestingly, there is no customer service phone number provided on the site. Furthermore, the images displayed on the site do not accurately depict the actual products being sold.

A fake store scam is when an online store pretends to sell products, but in reality, they either deliver nothing or provide substandard goods. These scams often use misleading images and descriptions to trick customers into making a purchase.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam is an act of fraud where scammers create a fictitious digital storefront. These fake stores often mimic popular brands to lend credibility to their operations. Features of these scams include heavily discounted prices on high-demand items. The idea is to entice shoppers with deals that seem too good to be true. And often, they are. Scammers might use slick websites, complete with professional images and user-friendly interfaces. They may take payments via credit card, or ask for transfers via third-party apps which offer no buyer protection. Once payment is made, the item is never shipped. The scammer then disappears leaving the buyer with no recourse for a refund. The buyer ends up losing money and the scammer profits. Remember, it's essential to know the signs of a online scam and be aware of the tactics used by these fraudsters.


Consumers have flagged Rusticsinks.shop for operating a fraudulent online store. The items showcased on this site are misleading and potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The content on the website is unoriginal and copied from elsewhere. The images displayed do not accurately depict the products being sold. There’s no customer […]


Cloudbeth-trade.com, a website that’s been active for 80 days, is involved in a fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme. The website purports to operate under a business name that is not registered in the state it claims to be based in. Furthermore, the business address listed on the website is a fabrication. The website promises substantial returns on […]


Victoriouscheap.com, a website that’s been around for 143 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The site lacks a customer support phone number, which is a red flag. Products sold on this site are misrepresented and potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website also relies on stock […]


Coinsmi.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. At the moment it was identified, the site was a mere 91 days in existence. Notably, the site lacks a customer support phone number, a red flag for potential investors. Another cause for concern is the authenticity of the images showcased on the site, which appear […]


Coasteressencehome.com is currently under scrutiny for operating as a deceitful online shop. The website is found to be featuring plagiarized content from various other sites. It is offering products that are not only counterfeit but potentially harmful because of the substandard materials used in their manufacture. Interestingly, the business has no social media presence, raising […]

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