11 months ago


Fake stores

Lampsusa.shop operates a fraudulent online store. The items they advertise and sell are counterfeit, potentially posing a risk due to the inferior quality materials used in their production. The pictures displayed on the site do not accurately depict the actual products. We’ve noticed several pages on the site that are still under construction, cluttered with placeholder content and markers. The company doesn’t have a significant presence on any social media platforms. It’s also missing from well-known consumer review sites. Interestingly, there’s no customer service phone number listed on the website.

A fake store scam is when an online store pretends to sell legitimate products, but in reality, they are selling counterfeit items or sometimes, nothing at all. The products are usually of poor quality and can even be dangerous. The scammer’s website often lacks important information like customer service contacts and they may not have a presence on social media or consumer review platforms.

Red Flags

Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a form of trickery where fraudsters create a bogus marketplace, often online. These scam sites appear legitimate, with professional-looking interfaces and product images. They sell highly sought-after items at unbeatable prices to attract potential victims. Scammers promise huge discounts or limited time offers to hurry customers into making purchases. Once you place an order, these criminals either send poor quality, counterfeit items or nothing at all. They usually demand payment through untraceable methods such as cryptocurrencies or gift cards. Another tactic is offering free trials for products or services. You may be asked to submit your credit card details for shipping fees. But, instead of a free trial, you find recurring charges on your card. Remember that alluring offers from unverified sources can be a trap. The saying, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is" rings true in these cases.


Jacksmorgan.com pulls a fake store scam on unsuspecting customers. This deceit was uncovered, only 28 days into the website’s existence. A customer service phone number is nowhere to be found on the site. The materials used on the website lack originality, they mirror other sites of similar nature. Images displayed for products fail to represent […]


Rapidsgrowths.pro has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, which is only 72 days old, promises significant returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the scammers disappear with your money. The website lacks a customer support phone number, which is a red flag. Additionally, the business name they claim to operate […]


Prospera-finance.com has a reputation as an investment scam. Investors are enticed by the promise of significant returns on their initial outlay. Yet, scammers pocket the deposited money and disappear without a trace. The company’s presence on social media is almost invisible. The website’s unfinished pages are filled with standardized copy and filler text. The partnerships […]


Petfriscok.com, a website that has been recently discovered, is involved in a deceptive store scam. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. False reviews from imaginary customers are also featured on the site, adding to the misleading nature of the operation. Evidence suggests that the website is being […]


Kccpatchessa.shop runs a fake store scam. The website copies content from other sites. The products sold are fake and could be dangerous because they use low-quality materials. Many pages on the site are still being built and have placeholder text. The company’s social media accounts have no followers. No reviews exist for the company on […]

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