5 months ago


Fake stores

Magnoliaporchswings.shop has come under scrutiny for operating a scam under the guise of a legitimate store. The company’s reviews are conspicuously absent, raising questions about its credibility. The website is littered with unfinished pages, filled with preset content and placeholder text, indicating a lack of professionalism. The images displayed on the site fail to accurately depict the products being sold, further casting doubt on its legitimacy. The absence of a customer service contact number is another red flag. The authenticity of the website’s content is questionable, as it does not align with similar pages on the internet.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website poses as a legitimate online store. These websites often feature unrealistic prices, lack customer reviews, and have poor-quality content. They may also lack customer service contact information. The goal of these scams is to trick customers into providing their personal and financial information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No contact page
No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam refers to a deceptive practice where fraudsters create a fake online store. They offer attractive products at low prices to entice customers into making purchases. These stores often use professional images and descriptions to mimic legitimate businesses. The scammers then collect financial information from customers during the checkout process. However, after the transaction, the customer never receives the purchased goods. In extreme cases, these scammers use the collected data for identity theft or other fraudulent activities. Common tactics include high pressure sales techniques, limited time offers, or unbelievable discounts. They might also display fake customer reviews to enhance their credibility. Sometimes even the payment portals can seem authentic, further misleading the customer. So, to recognize a fake store scam, be wary of too-good-to-be-true deals and always research online stores before making a purchase.


Bochhomeitem.com, a relatively new website only 59 days old, has been flagged as a potentially fraudulent online store. The website’s product images are not unique but rather, standard stock images. Furthermore, the site lacks a customer service phone number, which raises more suspicion. The content on the website is far from original, with numerous pages […]


Shopsmokeandmirrorshobby.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online storefront. The content on the site appears to be unoriginal, with clear indications of replication from other webpages. This scam was uncovered when the website was just 27 days old. The website lacks a contact number for customer service, raising further suspicions. Additionally, the company has not […]


Bathconvenience.com, though a relatively new website, has been flagged for conducting a fraudulent online shop scheme. Barely two months old at the time of discovery, the website conspicuously lacks a customer service phone number. A close examination of the site’s content reveals that it lacks originality, with most of its images simply being stock photos […]


Golfofshop.com, a website only 91 days old, has been exposed as a fraudulent online store. No reviews for the company are to be found on well-known consumer review websites, raising suspicion. The products offered on the website are counterfeit, potentially hazardous due to the subpar materials used in their creation. Research indicates that the website’s […]


Exaltted.net operates a crypto exchange scam. Deceptive testimonials from non-existent clients adorn the website, insinuating significant returns on investments. Yet, once investors pour money into it, the miscreants abscond with it. The listed phone numbers on the website remain unresponsive. A glaring absence of social media representation for the company raises eyebrows. The supposed registration […]

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