10 months ago


Fake stores

We’ve found that Jimmywallaceguitar.shop is running a deceptive operation. The products listed on this site are replicas and could potentially be dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. A significant amount of incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and default content can be found all over the website. The site doesn’t have any social media following. Moreover, there’s a conspicuous absence of company reviews. There’s no customer service number available either.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a phony online store is set up to trick customers into purchasing counterfeit goods or simply to steal their personal and financial information. These scams often involve websites that appear legitimate, but offer products that are either non-existent or of extremely low quality.

Red Flags

Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive scheme where fraudsters create a bogus online shop. They'll often offer popular or high value items at an unrealistic low price. These frauds mostly use social media platforms or websites for advertising. When a customer places an order, they'll receive an inferior product, a different item, or nothing at all. The scammers may also use your payment details for other fraudulent activities. The website or online store, once reported, normally disappears only to reappear under a different name. These scam stores go the extra mile to appear legitimate, such as creating a secure-looking website. They even have customer service representatives who might communicate with you until you complete your purchase. It is also common for them to have bogus reviews praising the 'great' service or products. The key aim of these scams? Stealing your money and personal information. So, one should be cautious while shopping online.


Kihena.store has been identified as a fraudulent online shop. Detected merely 55 days after its creation, the site has proven to be less than legitimate. It’s easy to spot that the content on the site isn’t original. Despite having a presence on social media, it has yet to garner a following. There are also several […]


Reports indicate that Saks5thavenueonsale.com is a deceptive online store. This claim is supported by the lack of reviews on major platforms that rate and review businesses. The absence of this business on social media platforms raises additional concerns. A closer look at the website reveals numerous incomplete pages, filled with default content and placeholder text. […]


Motousretail.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The website, which was only 93 days old when discovered, offers counterfeit goods that could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. It’s believed that the website is run from China. Upon analyzing the website’s data, it was found that much […]


The website Piledrio.com is involved in fraudulent investment activities. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you transfer your money, the fraudsters vanish with it. The site lacks a social media following, and numerous incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and default content can be found across the site. The collaborations listed on […]


Mxsmartaccess.com is a scam site pretending to be a crypto exchange. They promise big profits, but they steal your money instead. The site is only 103 days old and doesn’t have a customer service phone number. There are no genuine reviews, just their own fake ones. The content looks copied from other sites, making it […]

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