9 months ago


Fake stores

Justchairmats.shop is operating a deceptive scheme. The products they sell online are counterfeit and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in their creation. When discovered, the website was merely 94 days old. It employs generic images for the products it sells, and there’s no listed phone number for customer service on the site.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where an online store pretends to sell legitimate products. In reality, the products are either counterfeit or don’t exist at all. The scammer’s goal is to deceive customers into paying for these products, often using deceptive tactics such as using stock images of the products and not providing a customer service contact.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam is a deceptive practice. Scammers lure victims with tantalizing offers. They create phony online stores. These might promise deeply discounted goods, limited time deals or hard-to-find items. Web design tools and e-commerce platforms help scammers create convincing online stores. The scammer might use company logos, customer testimonials, and product images to make their site look legitimate. They will often accept a wide range of payment methods to gain your trust. When you place an order, they'll take your money and you'll never receive the promised goods. Even if you receive a product, it's likely to be counterfeit or not as described. In some cases, they might even sell your credit card information to other criminals. Keep in mind, these scammers are cunning. They employ advanced tactics to deceive people. They might engage in search engine manipulation or send spam emails to reach a wider audience.


Reports have recently surfaced that Feqe.shop is a fraudulent online store. It’s a newly established website, with its domain name being registered just 28 days before this report. The absence of a customer service phone number is a glaring omission on the website. Moreover, the originality of the site’s content is doubtful, with clear signs […]


Experts identified the website Assets-trader.com as a crypto exchange scam. The website, only 20 days old when discovered, lacks a customer service contact number. Reviews on the site, falsely presented as genuine, are nothing but fabrications. While the site promises substantial returns on investments, it merely serves as a scheme for the scammers to pocket […]


Intellprofits.com is currently operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They’ve been enticing people with the promise of quick money growth. However, once you invest your money, these tricksters seize your funds and disappear without a trace. Interestingly, the contact numbers publicly listed on the website have turned out to be disconnected. Moreover, Intellprofits.com is conspicuously absent […]


Emeraldlimited.org has been called out as a fraudulent investment scheme. Many pages on the site are incomplete, filled with placeholder text and default content. The partnerships they proudly display on their website are nothing more than fabrications. They promise massive profits if you invest but once you do, the fraudsters abscond with your hard-earned money. […]


Softwave-trades.com is running an investment scam, promising large profits for initial investments. However, it is actually a front for scammers who take your money and disappear. The website lacks any presence on social media and has many unfinished pages filled with unchanged content and placeholder notes. They falsely advertise collaborations on their site. The photos […]

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