10 months ago


Fake stores

Gardenaccents.shop, a website that’s been active for only 93 days, is under suspicion of being a fraudulent online shop. The lack of a customer service phone number is one of the red flags. The products offered on the site are replicas, and their quality is questionable due to the use of substandard materials. This could potentially pose a safety risk to consumers. The images displayed on the website are not genuine. Additionally, the site contains numerous incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text, further raising suspicions about its legitimacy.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a website poses as a legitimate online store. These sites offer goods at attractive prices to lure in unsuspecting customers. However, the products are often counterfeit or of poor quality, and in some cases, the goods are never delivered after payment. The websites are typically poorly maintained, with incomplete pages and placeholder text, and lack proper customer service channels.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No refund policy
A fake store scam is a cunning trick played by fraudsters. They create phony online shops that imitate real ones. The websites often display trending or hot items at significantly discounted rates. It's a temptation that's hard to resist for many online shoppers. These scammers are skilled in mirroring genuine websites. Their sites have a professional look, complete with product descriptions and customer testimonials. It's their attention to detail that convinces shoppers they're dealing with a legitimate business. To convince you further, scammers might say they have limited stock or offer a time-bound sale. They will ask for immediate payment and may even offer free shipping. Once payment is made, the purchased items never arrive or turn out to be of low quality or counterfeit. The scam is usually only revealed when the customer's complaints go unanswered or the store website suddenly disappears. The money paid to these fake stores is generally lost forever.


Reports have surfaced that Openairdealus.com is nothing more than an elaborate sham. The website’s content isn’t original and the products it lists are far from genuine. The materials used in the manufacture of these items are of inferior quality, posing potential hazards to users. Furthermore, the images shown on the site fail to accurately represent […]


Our investigations have revealed that Optalfrescooff.com is not a legitimate online store. The website, which has been operational for 93 days at the time of our inquiry, seems to be running a fraudulent scheme. Our findings point towards a China-based operation. The content on the website does not seem original, as it closely mirrors that […]


A new website called Realworldfxt.com is running an investment scam. They promise huge returns on your investments, but once you put in your money, they disappear. The site has no customer service phone number. When discovered, the site was just 19 days old. The company isn’t listed on major review sites. You won’t find them […]


Reports have recently surfaced that Feqe.shop is a fraudulent online store. It’s a newly established website, with its domain name being registered just 28 days before this report. The absence of a customer service phone number is a glaring omission on the website. Moreover, the originality of the site’s content is doubtful, with clear signs […]


The 47brandshop.shop website is a sham, having recently been registered. Its existence is still in its infancy, being only 26 days old at the time of the report. There’s no trace of any customer service contact number for this online store. It seems to mimic other similar websites, using duplicated content to lure customers. The […]

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