9 months ago


Fake stores

People have raised concerns about Eurolivingfurniture.shop, alleging that it’s a sham. The goods advertised on the site are reportedly false, and could pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their manufacturing. The website seems to have content that isn’t original, likely taken from similar sources. As of this report, the website has been live for 93 days. There’s no customer service number listed on the site, which is a red flag. The site uses generic stock photos for the products it sells. Several pages on the website are still under construction, filled with default text and placeholder content.

A fake store scam is when an online store pretends to sell products, but in reality, it’s a ruse to steal money or personal information from unsuspecting customers. They often use stock images for products, lack customer service contact information, and may have incomplete or copied content on their site.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No contact page
No phone numbers
No refund policy
No reviews
A fake store scam is a form of online fraud. Scammers create a fake online store, which looks like a legitimate website. They sell products at very cheap prices to attract customers. The scammers promise high-quality products and quick delivery. However, once the payment is made, either the product never arrives or, if it does, it is of inferior quality. Scammers use a variety of tactics to deceive people. They may use fake testimonials and reviews to create an illusion of credibility. They also use images and descriptions stolen from legitimate websites. The scam can be difficult to spot. It takes advantage of online shoppers who are looking for a bargain. It's a manipulative strategy that plays on people's trust and desire for a good deal. It's also an exploitation of the online marketplace's ease and convenience.


The website, The-bestfat.live, has come under suspicion for conducting a fraudulent investment scheme. The website promises its users substantial returns on their investments. However, once the funds are transferred, the fraudsters vanish without a trace. Interestingly, the website was only 78 days old when the scam was first detected. A significant red flag is the […]


Rugsplusonline.shop is operating a deceptive business. The merchandise offered on this site is counterfeit, potentially posing risks due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. The site employs generic images for the products it purports to sell. A glaring omission on the website is a contact number for customer support. It’s clear that the […]


Hetleystore.com operates a counterfeit store scam. You won’t find any customer service contact number on their site. The website’s registration is recent, with the domain name just 128 days old at the time of reporting. The images displayed on the site don’t genuinely represent the products they’re selling. The site doesn’t disclose the official business […]


Glasssimpleus.com was reported in the fake clothing store category on February 28, 2023. It is a newly registered domain name, with a registration date of February 17, 2023. At the time of the report, the website was only 11 days old. Glasssimpleus.com belongs to a category of scam websites that operate from China and sell […]


Stalliontradefx.org, a recently launched website, is under scrutiny for allegations of being a crypto scam. The domain name, only 138 days old at the time of the report, raises suspicion due to its lack of customer service contact. The business location listed on the site is not genuine, and attempts to reach customer service through […]

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