10 months ago


Fake stores

Advancedsolutionsdisplay.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. This website is known to use generic images to represent the products it offers. The content found on the site is unoriginal, indicating a lack of authenticity. Products sold on this platform are counterfeit, posing potential risks due to the inferior quality of materials used in their production. Unfinished pages on the site are filled with default content and placeholder text, further raising suspicions about its legitimacy. Notably, the website lacks a customer support phone number, which is a common feature of legitimate online businesses.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a website pretends to be a legitimate online store. These sites often use stock images for their products and have unoriginal content. The products they sell are usually counterfeit and potentially dangerous due to the use of low-quality materials. They often lack customer support and have unfinished pages filled with placeholder text.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
A fake store scam involves creating a deceptive website that seems like a legitimate online store. These scammers aim to steal money or personal information from unsuspecting shoppers. They lure victims with too good to be true deals. Commonly, the site's design is professional and the product images are high quality. They often mimic well-known brands to convince you of their authenticity. Scammers can also use fake reviews to appear credible. These scams often involve payment methods that lack consumer protection. They may ask for wire transfers, gift cards, or cryptocurrencies. After payment, the promised goods never arrive or they send counterfeit or low-quality items instead. In some cases, fraudsters use these sites to harvest personal details for identity theft. So, besides losing money, victims also risk compromising their sensitive information.


Practicallya.com has been reported in the online store category on February 12, 2023. Practicallya.com is a newly registered domain name, the registration date is 2022-05-06. The website and all the data it collects are hosted in China. No customer support number is available.


Mtsgsb.com is operating a deceptive scheme that involves investments. They lure you in with promises of significant growth for your investment. However, once you’ve invested, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The website is riddled with incomplete pages filled with unmodified content and filler notes. A foreign entity owns and operates the site. When we […]


Headphonesonline.us is a fraudulent online store that falsely claims to offer a huge discount on headphones. The website has only been online for 19 days as of the first complaint, having been registered in February of 2023. Unfortunately, the lack of a customer support number and other concerning factors suggest that this website is not […]


Zdfshdt.com, a young website just 69 days old, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. There’s no customer service phone number provided, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. The website doesn’t present any unique or innovative content, but rather, it seems to be copying material from other similar sites. The products available for purchase appear […]


Homecalidad.com, we’ve found, is not a genuine online store but a scam. The evidence strongly indicates that the site’s operations are based in China. It’s a fairly new website, having been registered just 91 days prior to this report. The images showcased on the site are far from original. Strikingly similar content can be found […]

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