10 months ago


Fake stores

The website 3dmmotorsport.shop is involved in a fraudulent scheme, posing as a legitimate online store. It has been found to plagiarize content, copying from other similar websites in a clear act of imitation. The goods listed in its inventory are mere replicas, and their production involves the use of substandard materials, which could potentially pose a risk to safety. The images displayed on the website fail to accurately represent the products they claim to sell. Numerous pages on the site are poorly developed, filled with untouched content and notes meant to be placeholders. A noticeable absence on the site is a customer service phone number.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These sites often copy content and images from authentic websites, and sell counterfeit goods made from inferior materials. They typically lack customer service contact information and have poorly developed pages filled with placeholder content.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
A fake store scam is a deceptive scheme that lures unsuspecting consumers into buying non-existent products or services. Scammers create a professional-looking online store, complete with product descriptions, pictures, and customer reviews. They offer significantly lower prices to attract buyers. In addition, they use aggressive marketing tactics. These include limited-time offers, countdown timers, and high-pressure sales tactics to make you feel like you're missing out if you don't buy immediately. After the purchase, the product never arrives. In some cases, they may send a low-quality or completely different item. By the time you realize it's a scam, the fake store has already disappeared, along with your money.


Customers have reported Brownwealthtrade.com for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The site lures investors with promises of high returns, only to disappear with their money once invested. The authenticity of the website is further questioned by several incomplete pages that still feature default content and placeholder text. The partnerships flaunted on the company’s site are […]


On February 24, 2023, Cocotopmall.com was categorized as an online scam. The website’s ownership is obscured by a third-party privacy service, and it lacks a customer support number. Furthermore, the social media buttons, live chat links, and contact options on the site do not lead to any active profiles. Complaints were filed within 11 days […]


Articlifynow.com runs an investment scam. We discovered this when the site was just 19 days old. The phone numbers don’t work. No business exists at the listed address. There are no reviews on major consumer review sites. They promise huge returns on your investment, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. An investment […]


Stockbitexperts.org is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. This deception was uncovered when the site was merely 141 days old. The site lacks a customer service phone number. Reviews on the site are fabricated, not from genuine individuals. The business address provided on the site is non-existent. The website claims to operate under a business name […]


People have flagged Zoneshowerroom.com as a fraudulent online shop. The goods displayed on this site appear to be counterfeit, which could lead to possible dangers due to the low-grade materials used in their production. The content of this website seems unoriginal, yet it is not a direct copy of any other similar websites. The sham […]

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