9 months ago


Fake stores

Over-bag.com, an online shopping platform, is operating a deceptive scheme. The products advertised on this site are not genuine, potentially posing a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The fraudulent operation was uncovered when the website was merely 93 days old, with all signs pointing towards its base of operations being in China. The pictures displayed on the site do not accurately depict the products for sale. Additionally, the site showcases fabricated reviews from imaginary customers. Interestingly, the company is not officially registered in the state it claims to operate from.

A fake store scam is a deceptive scheme where a website poses as a legitimate online store. However, the products they sell are not genuine and the reviews are often fabricated. The companies behind such scams are usually not registered in the state they claim to operate from, further adding to their deceitful practices.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No refund policy
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where fraudulent retailers lure unsuspecting customers. They promise high-quality goods at unbelievably low prices. These scammers typically set up shop online, creating sophisticated websites that mirror legitimate businesses. To convince potential victims, they often use stolen images and product descriptions from genuine sites. They may also display false certifications and security badges to appear trustworthy. Some even mimic customer reviews, adding another layer to their deceit. Once a purchase is made, the scammers either deliver substandard goods or nothing at all. In many instances, they also steal credit card information for further fraudulent activities. The customers are left with empty pockets and disappointment. Such scams are rampant during holiday seasons and big sale events. They exploit the customers' excitement and urgency to grab a good deal. By the time the scam is discovered, the fake store usually has disappeared, leaving no trace behind.


Customers have lodged complaints against Offstylishzone.com for operating a sham online shop. The content on this site appears to be a carbon copy from other comparable websites, raising suspicions of plagiarism. Products available on this site are knockoffs, potentially posing a safety hazard due to the substandard materials used in their making. The images up […]


Trusttrading-limited.net, a website claiming to be a crypto exchange platform, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. Promising high returns on investments, the site lures unsuspecting individuals into sending money, which is then stolen by the scammers who vanish without a trace. The website, at the time of discovery, was a mere 80 days old. […]


Beststyleonline.com, a website that’s been around for 127 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The site lacks a customer service number, which raises red flags. Not only are the assets displayed on the site misleading, but they also pose a potential threat due to the inferior quality materials used in their manufacturing. […]


Stateethereum.com operates a deceptive crypto scam. They paint a picture of large profits for investors. Once you invest, the fraudsters disappear with your funds. No reviews exist for the website outside of their own platforms. The company remains invisible on social media. Upon exploration of the website, we discovered numerous incomplete pages, populated with primary […]


Sophinance.org has been flagged as a potential investment scam. Despite being active for 140 days, the site lacks a customer service phone number. The address provided on the site doesn’t correspond to any known business. Furthermore, the company is conspicuously absent from social media and well-known consumer review platforms. Investment scams are fraudulent schemes that […]

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