9 months ago


Fake stores

Consumers have flagged Newstylehume.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which is relatively new, was registered just 93 days ago at the time of this report. It features images that are not authentic. Despite its presence online, the company has no reviews on major customer review platforms. The absence of a customer service phone number is another red flag. The information provided on the website is deceptive, as the business does not physically exist at the stated address. The content on the website doesn’t mimic other similar pages, indicating a lack of authenticity.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a fraudulent website poses as a legitimate online store. These scams often involve the sale of non-existent or counterfeit goods, and the scammers will typically disappear after receiving payment from unsuspecting customers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves fraudulent websites pretending to be legitimate online stores. They often offer popular items at significantly reduced prices, enticing consumers to make a purchase. These scams are typically characterized by low-quality website design, poor grammar, and spelling errors. They may also use non-secure payment methods, such as wire transfers or gift cards. Another warning sign is if the website was recently created. Scammers often set up temporary sites, make quick money, and then disappear. They also use fake reviews to bolster their credibility. In some cases, the scammer may never send the promised goods. Other times, they send counterfeit or inferior products. In both scenarios, the consumer loses money. Remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always research before making an online purchase.


A new website called Bitgrowthx.org is running an investment scam. The site was just 10 days old when it was discovered. It has no reviews on major consumer platforms and no social media followers. They promise huge returns on your investment, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The site doesn’t have a […]


Cryptoaibank.com is a fraudulent investment site. The scam became apparent when the site was just 11 days old. You won’t find a customer service phone number on the website. They promise big returns on investments, but once you put in your money, the scammers vanish. The site has no social media accounts. No reviews exist […]


Yocelina.com, a recently launched website, is involved in a fake store scam. The website’s domain name was registered a mere 69 days ago when we conducted this report. Interestingly, the website does not provide a customer service contact number. It seems the content of the website lacks originality, as it is an exact duplicate of […]


Avalancheaifx.com has come under scrutiny from consumers who accuse the site of perpetrating an investment scam. The scheme is designed to allure potential investors with the promise of substantial returns. However, once they commit their money, the fraudsters vanish, leaving the investors out of pocket. An examination of the website reveals several incomplete pages loaded […]


People have flagged Find-camping.com for operating a deceptive retail scam. The business address listed on the website doesn’t exist in reality. Indications point to the website being run out of China. When the website was discovered, it was barely three months old. The products featured on this platform are fake, potentially hazardous due to the […]

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