9 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have flagged Sugontoys.com as a fraudulent online store. The items on offer are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the inferior materials used in their manufacture. The authenticity of the website’s content is questionable, as it doesn’t resemble similar pages. There are no social media profiles for this business, and it’s absent from well-known consumer review platforms. At the point of writing this, the website had been active for 92 days. There’s no customer service phone number provided on the site. A number of pages on the website are still in development, filled with generic content and placeholders.

A fake store scam is an online scheme where a website poses as a legitimate store to deceive customers. These sites often sell counterfeit or non-existent products, fail to deliver purchases, or misuse customers’ personal and financial information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a trick where fraudsters create a counterfeit online retail site. These websites often display products at unbeatably low prices. They lure customers into purchasing items, but the products never arrive. These scam websites often replicate legitimate stores. They copy the logos, layouts, and product descriptions. This creates an illusion of credibility and trust. Victims enter their credit card information, thinking they're making a safe purchase. These fraudsters make unrealistic promises to entice buyers. They offer high-end products at shockingly low prices or promise speedy delivery at no additional cost. Some scammers employ advanced tactics. They create fake reviews and ratings for their nonexistent products. They might also use phishing emails or pop-up ads to direct people to their fake stores. One thing to remember, fake store scams aren't limited to standalone websites. They may appear on popular e-commerce platforms as well!


Utomhusartik.com is involved in a deceptive practice known as a false store scam. The pictures on this site aren’t authentic, and they’re strikingly similar to those found on other comparable sites, diminishing the distinctiveness of this website. The goods available on this online marketplace are knock-offs, potentially harmful due to the low-quality materials used in […]


Trading-option.ng is a scam. The website was only 251 days old when it got detected. Its content looks copied from other similar sites. The images on the site don’t show the real product. You can’t find the company on social media. An overseas group runs the site. Also, there are no reviews for the company […]


Newmenstyle.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The website, which is a mere 81 days old at the time of this discovery, lacks a customer service phone number. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products being sold. The items listed for purchase are counterfeit, and the substandard materials […]


Apexcapitaltrading.org, a website promising high returns on investments, has been identified as a fraudulent scheme. Investors are enticed by the promise of substantial profits, but after depositing their money, they find that the scammers have disappeared with their funds. The website is filled with pages that are still under construction, filled with generic text and […]


Globalteslaofficial.com faces accusations of being an investment scam. Customers get lured by the tantalizing promise of significant returns on initial investments. After depositing money, they find it taken by fraudsters who then disappear. The company’s presence remains undetectable on social media platforms. Numerous incomplete pages riddled with generic content and placeholder text can be seen […]

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