9 months ago


Fake stores

The website Raimentattire.com is operating a fraudulent online store. The content on the site lacks uniqueness, seeming to mimic material from similar websites. An address is listed for the business, but upon investigation, it doesn’t exist. The products offered on the site are counterfeit and potentially dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The fraudulent activity was discovered when the website was just 91 days old. Unfortunately, the site does not provide a customer service phone number. Furthermore, the company’s social media accounts have no followers, raising further suspicion.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These scams often sell counterfeit goods, use non-existent business addresses, and lack customer service contact information. They may also have no social media presence or followers. The goal is to deceive customers into purchasing low-quality or non-existent products.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Fake store scams are a common type of online fraud. Posing as legitimate businesses, scammers create fake websites or social media pages. The deceit lies in selling products at much lower prices than other retailers. It's enticing to think you've found a bargain. Scammers also use sophisticated designs and layouts to mimic reputable online stores. They may even display security badges to convince you the site is secure. The big catch is when you purchase an item and it never arrives. These fraudulent stores may promise easy refunds or money-back guarantees. But, they simply exist to collect your credit card and personal information. Once they secure that, the website may disappear overnight. It leaves you with a lighter wallet and potential identity theft to worry about. Finally, often, these fake stores only accept payment methods that are hard to trace, like cryptocurrency or gift cards. This makes it near impossible to get your money back, once you’ve realized you’ve been scammed.


Airjordanapp.com is operating an illegitimate online store. The website, which was only 53 days old at the time of investigation, does not provide a customer service phone number. The content of the site lacks uniqueness, suggesting it may have been copied from similar websites. The products offered on this platform are knock-offs, potentially posing risks […]


Consumers have flagged Maschsportwear.com for operating a sham online store. The website lacks reviews outside of its own pages, and it’s devoid of followers on its social media accounts. Numerous pages on the site are still in the development phase, filled with default content and placeholder tags. The photos displayed do not accurately represent the […]


Shopclubfurniture.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on this site are not genuine, and the content has been plagiarized, mimicking other similar websites. The products sold on this site are counterfeit and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. Furthermore, the company’s reviews are […]


Golden-bridgesltd.org has been identified as conducting fraudulent investment activities. They promise substantial returns on your investment, however, once you transfer the funds, these actors vanish. Unfortunately, there is no customer support phone number available on the website. Further, the illustrations they present don’t truly represent the product they’re supposedly selling. It’s worth noting that the […]


Ct-blocks.online is a scam. The website is 149 days old. It lacks a phone number for customer support. The address listed on the site is fake. They have no social media presence. Also, there are no reviews for the company. An investment scam tricks people into giving money with promises of high returns, but the […]

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