9 months ago


Fake stores

Consumers have lodged complaints against Fishingfrisky.com, accusing it of peddling a fake store scam. The website was a mere 91 days old when the allegations surfaced. The merchandise on offer on this platform is inauthentic and could potentially pose a risk owing to the substandard materials employed in their manufacture. The operation of the website seems to be based in China, as indicated by several signs. The images showcased on the site do not truthfully represent the goods being sold. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem that the business is registered in the state that it purports to run its operations from.

A fake store scam involves a deceptive website that presents itself as a legitimate online store. Such a website often sells counterfeit goods or takes customers’ money without delivering any product. The authenticity of the business and the products it sells are often questionable, and the reality often does not match the online presentation.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam occurs when fraudsters create a counterfeit online store. This store mimics an authentic one. The scammers lure unsuspecting shoppers with attractive discounts and deals. Scammers typically use high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and great customer reviews to make their stores look genuine. They even set up secure payment systems to gain the trust of potential victims. The scammers promise fast delivery and easy returns to convince shoppers to make a purchase. Once the payment is made, the scammer either sends a counterfeit product, a product that is significantly different from the description, or in most cases, nothing at all. In some cases, the store might disappear from the internet after a few days or weeks. This leaves the duped shoppers with no way to contact the seller or get their money back.


On February 28, 2023, Zeldracktransportlogistics.com was categorized as a re-shipping scam website. The domain was newly registered on March 3, 2022, and no physical address or company phone number is available on the website. Such websites are typically associated with employment or pet sale scams that involve re-shipping of goods. It is important to exercise […]


Reports indicate that Advancebinance.org is a fraudulent investment platform. They lure potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. The customer service details provided on the website are unattainable through the given phone numbers. The website is a recent creation, with the domain […]


Alpha-prime.org is a website found to operate a fraudulent investment scheme. The discovery of this scam happened when the site was less than a month old. Promising hefty returns on initial investments, it entices potential investors. However, the reality is that these scammers pocket the deposited money and disappear. The site lacks a customer service […]


Reports have surfaced about Valarisenergy.ltd being involved in investment fraud. The website promises lucrative returns on your investments, but when you invest money, it disappears into the hands of the fraudsters. Moreover, the company lacks a social media presence, a key factor in today’s digital era. Upon exploration of the website, one finds unfinished pages […]


Our investigation has revealed that Backdropoutlet.shop is a fraudulent online store. When we discovered this, the website was still relatively new. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service phone number. The items displayed on this platform are counterfeit and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their […]

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