10 months ago


Fake stores

Collezionehome.com, a website noted to be just 95 days old, has been flagged for running a scam involving a fake store. It’s believed that the website is controlled and managed from China, providing further cause for concern. The products featured on the site are not genuine and their quality is questionable, due to the subpar materials used in their production. In addition, the content on this website doesn’t seem original and appears to mirror that of other similar sites.

A fake store scam typically involves a fraudulent website that presents itself as a legitimate online store. They offer goods at surprisingly low prices to attract customers. However, these products are usually counterfeit or sometimes, they don’t even exist, and the buyers end up losing their money.

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A fake store scam involves fraudsters creating a fake online storefront. These can look very professional and legitimate. Commonly, they offer goods at incredibly low prices. This is part of their strategy to lure in unsuspecting shoppers. These scammers can cleverly design their website to mimic reputable online retailers, even using logos and branding elements. They might also use fake customer reviews or testimonials to appear credible. The scam artist's goal is to collect your payment details and personal information. However, once the payment is made, either the goods never arrive, or what is delivered is very different from what was advertised. It's a deceptive game designed to trick consumers.


The operation of a fraudulent store is evident in the workings of Gymshoessale.shop. A mere 22 days after its launch, the deceitful nature of the website was exposed. It lacks a customer service phone number, raising immediate suspicion. Doubts arise from the content of this website, seeming to mirror those of similar sites, suggesting a […]


People have raised concerns about Homewarevilleroy.com, claiming it’s a scam. The products offered are not genuine and could potentially harm you because of the subpar materials used during production. The content on this website doesn’t appear original; it doesn’t seem to be plagiarized from other pages. Numerous unfinished pages filled with generic text and placeholder […]


Consumers have flagged Bedshoppe.shop for operating a deceptive online store. The merchandise on offer is counterfeit, and the inferior materials used to produce them could potentially be harmful. The authenticity of the content on the website is questionable, as it doesn’t seem to correspond with similar pages. The images used don’t accurately represent the products […]


Consumers have flagged Easy-trade.top for conducting an investment fraud. The website, at the time of the report, was 146 days old. The customer service phone numbers listed on the site seem to be unresponsive. There’s no trace of the business at the address given on their site. The website is filled with incomplete pages, boilerplate […]


Bitefexllc.com is flagged as an investment scam. They promise huge returns, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The site was just 11 days old when discovered. The phone numbers listed don’t work, and there are no social media profiles for the company. An investment scam tricks people into putting money into fake […]

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