5 months ago


Investment scams

Realtrustvest.com is under scrutiny for allegedly operating an investment fraud. They promise significant returns on investments, but once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your funds. The contact numbers provided on their website seem to be out of service. The physical address of the business, as listed on the website, raises questions as it cannot be confirmed. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered just 97 days prior to this report. Additionally, the company appears to have no presence on any social media platforms.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to part with their money, with the promise of high returns on their investment. However, instead of investing the money as promised, the scammers abscond with the funds, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No privacy policy
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It's designed to trick people into believing they can gain high returns. The scammer usually promises quick, risk-free profits. But in reality, the money you invest often goes straight into the scammer's pocket. Common types of investment scams include Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes. In a Ponzi scheme, returns for older investors are paid by the funds of new investors. Once new investors stop coming in, the scheme collapses. In a pyramid scheme, each participant recruits others to invest money. The recruiter then takes a cut of these investments. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always do your research before investing.


Accesstrade-invest.com operates an investment scheme that is far from legitimate. The allure of quickly multiplying one’s money is a trap set by the fraudsters who dissipate as soon as you invest your hard-earned money. Remarkably, there is no trace of the company’s existence on major customer review platforms. It’s also conspicuously absent from any social […]


The crypto exchange 360surefx.com operates as a scam. A new registration marks its website, only 20 days old at the time of investigation. Investors are enticed with the promise of high returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear with the money. The site lacks a customer service phone number. Fabricated reviews from […]


Axitradesfx.com, flagged as a crypto exchange scam, functioned for just 24 days when detected. The deceivers promise significant growth on your investment. Once your money is invested, it’s pocketed by the scam artists, who then vanish. The website lacks a customer service phone number. There’s an absence of any social media footprint for the company. […]


Consumers have raised the alarm about Shopbirdsallgarden.shop, accusing it of operating a fraudulent online store. The scam came to light when the website was barely over three months old. Interestingly, the website lacks a customer service phone number, which is a red flag. The items advertised on this platform are not only false but could […]


Customers have reported Gazmanusa.shop for operating a scam that mimics a legitimate online store. In fact, this fraudulent activity was spotted when the website was just over a month old. A notable red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number on the site. It seems the site employs imitation strategies, borrowing content […]

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