9 months ago


Investment scams

Our investigation has revealed that Cashfxtrade.com is not a legitimate investment platform, but a fraudulent scheme. The operators of this site promise significant growth on your investment. However, once you’ve parted with your money, they vanish without a trace. The website is littered with incomplete pages filled with default content and placeholder text, a clear sign of unprofessionalism. We uncovered this scam when the website was still in its infancy, at just 97 days old. Alarmingly, there is no customer service contact number provided on the site. Furthermore, the address listed for the business on the website is inaccurate. A search for company reviews yielded no results, raising more red flags. The photos displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they claim to offer.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme that promises high returns on investments with little or no risk. The scammer usually disappears after receiving the investment, leaving the investor with significant financial loss.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No privacy policy
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive practices. Scammers lure victims with promises of high returns and minimal risk. They give convincing pitches, often presenting elaborate and false histories of success. These scammers use pressure tactics to push you into investing quickly. They will claim the opportunity is limited or exclusive. They may even provide false documentation as proof of their legitimacy. Another trick is the "Ponzi scheme." In this, scammers pay early investors using money from newer investors. This is done to create an illusion of a successful investment, encouraging more people to invest. Providing misleading information is common. They may claim their scheme is endorsed by reputable organizations or well-known people. Remember that such endorsements can be easily fabricated. In the end, victims are left with significant losses when the scam is exposed or the scammer disappears.


Aquaworxholdingsltd.com has recently been reported in the investment scam category by a user on ScamGuard on February 23, 2023. The website claims to operate under the name Aquaworx Holdings Ltd and is a newly registered domain name with a registration date of September 11, 2022. However, we have confirmed that nothing on this website is […]


It’s been discovered that Marketradrading.com is operating an investment scheme. They entice potential investors with promises of significant returns, but once they secure the funds, they disappear. It’s noteworthy that the company’s social media accounts lack any followers. Multiple pages on their website are incomplete, filled with placeholder text and default content. Collaborations advertised on […]


Travaxbt.com, a newly established website, is orchestrating a deceptive cryptocurrency exchange scheme. The website, which is just 84 days old at the time of this report, promises significant returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the perpetrators abscond with the funds. The website flaunts partnerships that, upon closer inspection, prove to be fraudulent. […]


We’ve found that Jimmywallaceguitar.shop is running a deceptive operation. The products listed on this site are replicas and could potentially be dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. A significant amount of incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and default content can be found all over the website. The site doesn’t have […]


Coasthomehome.com operates a deceptive online shop. The site utilizes pre-made images for its product listings. The textual content appears to be copied, mirroring that found on comparable sites. The goods for sale on this site are counterfeit, posing a risk because of the substandard materials used in their creation. The firm has no visibility on […]

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