9 months ago


Investment scams

Perfxinvestment.com is under suspicion for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise substantial returns on your investments, but once you put your money in, the fraudsters disappear with it. The website is littered with incomplete pages filled with generic content and filler text. It appears that the contact numbers provided on the site are now inoperative. Furthermore, the company’s listed address on the site is not genuine. A thorough analysis of the website’s data reveals copied content from other similar sites, indicating a lack of authenticity. The online collaborations that the company boasts about on its site are not legitimate.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to invest their money with the promise of high returns. However, the scammers simply take the money and disappear, leaving the investor with significant losses.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake partnerships
Phone disconnected
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent activity. It often involves a scammer convincing a person to invest in a scheme, shares or commodities. The attractiveness of high returns or quick profits is the bait. Scammers can be very skilled at making their scheme sound plausible. They may give you professional looking brochures and documents. Often, they will try to rush you into making a decision. They may claim that the opportunity is only available for a short period of time. One common tactic is the 'pump and dump'. The scammers buy cheap stock, then inflate the price by making false and positive statements. This persuades others to buy the stock and inflate the price further. The scammers then sell their own shares while the price is high. But then the price crashes and other investors lose their money. This is the peril of an investment scam.


Evergreen-portforlios.com, a website that’s been active for 120 days, is involved in a crypto scam. The site lacks a customer service phone number, and the business address shown is not genuine. Despite the absence of a social media presence for the company, the website promises substantial returns on investments. However, once money is sent, it’s […]


Plutosgates.com, a newly established website, is suspected of conducting an investment scam. Despite its recent registration, just 142 days ago, the site lacks key features such as a customer service phone number. It also fails to show any registration in the state it purports to operate from. The company’s absence on social media raises further […]


It appears that Hikingexquisite.com is a fraudulent online store. The merchandise sold through this site is imitation, which could be hazardous due to the inferior materials used in their production. The operation seems to be rooted in China. The scam was uncovered when the site was barely three months old. Images on the site do […]


Mannjng.com, a website that’s been active for 67 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. It has been noticed that the content on the site seems to have been lifted from other similar websites, raising questions about its originality. The products they advertise are represented by generic stock images, which is another red […]


Uslimitfishing.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on the site are not genuine, and the content lacks originality. The items offered on the site are not only counterfeit but could also pose potential risks due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The website is relatively new, with the […]

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