9 months ago


Investment scams

Bitoptionsfxt.net, a recently established website, has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. Despite promising high returns on investments, the site is actually designed to swindle unsuspecting investors. Once the investment is made, the fraudsters behind the site vanish with the funds. The website’s content is not original, as it appears to be copied from other sources, undermining its credibility. Moreover, the images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products they claim to offer. The website’s registration is also relatively new, with the domain being just 98 days old at the time of this observation. Notably, there is no customer service phone number listed on the site.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where the scammer promises high returns on investments to lure in potential investors. Once the investment is made, the scammer disappears with the funds, leaving the investor with a significant financial loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceptive ploys that trick people into putting money into false or non-existent investments. Scammers present themselves as financial advisors or brokers. They use persuasive language and offer high returns with little to no risk. Commonly, these scams involve unregistered securities. They may turn out to be Ponzi or pyramid schemes. In such cases, the money from new investors is used to pay earlier investors, creating an illusion of legitimate returns. Scammers often use pressure tactics. These may include limited time offers or a claim that only a select few can participate. They also use complex jargon to confuse potential investors. Often, the scam is hidden under the guise of exclusive or secret investments opportunities.


Dwrevolution.com, a recognized crypto exchange scam, was merely 24 days old when flagged. They lure investors with promises of substantial returns, only to take the money and disappear. The website lacks a contact phone number for customer support. Reviews seen on the site don’t come from real people. A fabricated business address is displayed on […]


We found that Verycharmss.shop runs a loan scam. The site is only 124 days old. The products shown are fake and might be unsafe due to poor materials. It appears to operate from China. The reviews are made up by fake customers. The business name isn’t registered in the state it claims. A loan scam […]


Reports indicate that Lavishvestido.com is not what it appears to be, with evidence pointing towards it being a fraudulent online store. A simple browse through the website reveals numerous unfinished sections, filled with default content and placeholder texts, a clear sign of unprofessionalism. Furthermore, despite the increasing importance of social media presence for businesses, this […]


The website Cotandbows.shop has received reports as a fraudulent online store. The website had only been operational for 29 days when these reports surfaced. It lacked a customer service telephone number, a common feature for legitimate businesses. The product images used on the site did not accurately depict the items for sale. Additionally, several incomplete […]


Consumers have labelled Enigmaticaesthetics.com as a dubious online store, launching concerns over its authenticity. Although only 52 days old at the time of discovery, the website has already sparked suspicion. The products offered for purchase on this platform are not authentic, and their production involves the use of substandard materials, potentially posing a risk to […]

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