9 months ago


Fake stores

Cenpeashion.com, a relatively new website at just 52 days old, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. It’s believed to be run from China, with several reliable indicators pointing to this conclusion. The products sold on this site are counterfeit, potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The images displayed on the site are not genuine, and neither are the reviews, which are not written by actual customers. Moreover, the company lacks a significant presence on social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a fraudulent online store is set up to trick customers into buying counterfeit goods or, in some cases, to steal their personal and financial information. These stores often display fake product images and customer reviews to appear legitimate. They may also lack a significant social media presence.

Red Flags

Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No social media
A fake store scam typically works by setting up an online storefront that mimics a legitimate retail site. The scammer aims to lure in unsuspecting customers with too-good-to-be-true prices. These prices are a hallmark of this scam, often significantly lower than those found on recognized retail sites. The store's site may appear professional and genuine. It may also use images and descriptions directly lifted from legitimate online stores. But once a purchase is made, the scammer will not send the goods to the buyer. Instead, they pocket the money and disappear. The scammer might use phishing techniques to gain personal information from the buyer. This could involve sending emails that look like they're from a reputable company, but contain links to fake websites. The aim is to trick the victim into entering their personal details, including credit card information. The end result? The victim is left with a lighter wallet and no product to show for it.


Cryptobinarytrade.com, a relatively new website, has been found to be involved in fraudulent activities. The site promises significant growth on investments, but after the money is invested, the fraudsters abscond with it. The website, at the time of discovery, was a mere 95 days old. The absence of a customer service phone number on the […]


Zeldainvestment.com, a recently launched website, has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The site promises substantial returns on investments, however, upon investing, the fraudsters disappear with your money. The website, which is barely 100 days old, lacks essential details such as a customer service phone number. Moreover, the business address provided on the site […]


Consumers have flagged Earnbetainvestments.com as a dubious crypto exchange operation. The website, merely 20 days old at discovery, purportedly runs under a business name that lacks registration in the stated company location. The provided information on the site misleads, with a non-existent business at the specified address. A missing customer service phone number on the […]


Finessclothing.com, a website that’s been around for 142 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The site doesn’t offer a customer service phone number. It sells items that are not only fake but potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The images on the site don’t truly represent the […]


A bogus operation has been identified at Specibicycle.com, a website that’s been up for just 28 days, but already running a counterfeit scheme. In a thorough investigation, it was found that the site doesn’t provide any customer service contact details. Further, the website content appears to be lifted from other similar online platforms, raising suspicions […]

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