11 months ago


Fake stores

Qualityfishinggear.com, a relatively new website, has been flagged by customers for operating a counterfeit store scam. The site, which is just 81 days old at the time of this report, has no reviews on any of the major consumer review platforms. The products offered on this site are fake, posing potential risks due to the substandard materials used in their making. The company has not made any significant presence on social media platforms. Evidence points to China as the location of the website’s operations.

A fake store scam refers to a fraudulent online store that sells counterfeit or non-existent products. These scams often involve websites that appear legitimate but are designed to collect credit card information or other personal details from unsuspecting customers. The products they advertise are usually of poor quality or don’t exist at all.

Red Flags

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No social media
Fake store scams take advantage of consumers' trust. You may encounter a store online that seems legitimate. It offers high-demand or luxury items at incredibly low prices. These shops often have professional-looking websites. What happens next is the deception. After making a purchase, the customer waits for the delivery that never comes. The scammers pocket the money. Scammers use persuasive tactics to convince customers. They might use fake customer reviews and testimonials. These reviews create an illusion of trustworthiness. The scammers also use pressure tactics, like limited-time offers. This makes customers jump at the "great deal" before it's too late. These scams can be quite elaborate. They may use false tracking numbers to convince customers their orders are on the way. Their customer service is typically nonexistent or unresponsive, leaving victims frustrated and out of pocket.


Lyme-prime.com has been spotted engaging in a fraudulent activity involving cryptocurrency. They lure you with promises of huge returns from your investment, but once you’ve put your money, the fraudsters disappear. None of the major review platforms contain any feedback about them. Their presence on social media platforms is non-existent. The website itself is filled […]


Globaldealers-netw.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The business’s online address is fake. When discovered, the website was just 35 days old. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site. They promise big returns on investments, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. No reviews for the company exist on […]


Mdsneaks.shop has been flagged as a scam. The site looks like many others, with copied content. The products they sell are fake and might be dangerous due to poor materials. The photos on the site are not real. The website is only 30 days old. There is no phone number for customer service. A fake […]


Avlimited.net, a website that surfaced just 84 days ago, has been discovered to be operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website promises significant returns on investments, however, once the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear with your hard-earned money. They claim to be operating under a business name that is not officially registered in the […]


Powell-investments.com has been flagged as a crypto scam. The website, only 140 days old when discovered, displayed non-working phone numbers. The business address listed on the site turned out to be non-existent. The company lacked a presence on social media and had no reviews on major consumer platforms. They promised high returns on investments, but […]

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