9 months ago


Fake stores

Scontomobili.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The website, which has been active for 81 days at the time of this report, has raised several red flags. One of the most glaring issues is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. There are also strong indications that the site is being run from China. Another concerning aspect is the complete lack of social media presence, which is unusual for a legitimate online business. Furthermore, the site has not received any reviews on major review platforms, further casting doubt on its credibility.

A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where a fraudulent online store is created to trick customers into purchasing non-existent goods. The scammer typically sets up a professional-looking website, often copying the design of legitimate stores, to lure in unsuspecting shoppers. Once the customer makes a purchase, the scammer takes the money and never delivers the product.

Red Flags

Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves fraudsters creating a counterfeit online store. They mimic legitimate businesses to trick customers into purchasing nonexistent products. These fake stores often have very attractive deals, luring shoppers with significantly discounted prices. Scammers use sophisticated designs and branding to seem authentic. They will create websites that look very professional, sometimes even copying the design of well-known brands. Their product descriptions and customer reviews may also seem genuine. The primary tactic these scammers use is the urgency of their deals. They will often claim that there's a limited supply of their heavily discounted products, pressuring customers into making hasty purchases. Payment methods are a key red flag. Many fake stores will only accept direct bank transfers or digital currencies. They avoid credit card payments, as these transactions could be traced or disputed. If customers do make a purchase, they receive nothing, and their money is gone.


Arexainvest.com is running a collection scam. Their customer service phone number isn’t available on the site. The associations the company mentions on its website aren’t real. Fake reviews from made-up customers flood the website. It has no followers on social media. A collection scam tricks people into paying money for fake debts or services.


Btcbcanada.network, a website that’s been operational for just over three months, is currently under scrutiny for running an investment scam. The site is filled with standardized text and placeholder wordings, a clear indication of in-progress pages. It’s also been noticed that the website’s content is not original, but rather copied from other sites. One glaring […]


Bitsafegroup.com, a website claiming to offer profitable investment opportunities, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. They promise substantial returns on your investments, but once you invest, the money disappears into thin air along with the scammers. The site lacks a listed phone number for customer service, making it impossible to reach out for assistance […]


Menscollocat.com, a website that’s been running for 128 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising suspicions. Images on the site are not authentic, further casting doubt on its legitimacy. The absence of an official business name on the site is another red flag. Additionally, […]


Reports indicate Splitmin.com as a fraudulent investment platform. They promise significant growth of your investment. However, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The website lacks a social media following. Numerous pages on the site are underdeveloped, filled with unedited content and placeholder notes. The graphics displayed on the site do not accurately […]

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