10 months ago


Crypto scams

Our research has uncovered suspicious activities on the website Mxcltd.com, which purportedly operates as a cryptocurrency exchange. Notably, these red flags were spotted within a relatively short span of 78 days since the website’s launch. While the platform promises substantial returns on investments, it appears that once funds are invested, they are quickly siphoned off and the operators vanish without a trace. Another telltale sign of their dubiousness is their non-existent following on any social media platforms. Furthermore, they resort to displaying fabricated reviews from non-existent customers, attempting to build a façade of trustworthiness. A significant piece of information missing from the site is a customer service phone number, leaving users with no way to reach out for support or inquiries.

In simplest terms, a crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent platform pretending to be a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange. These platforms often lure unsuspecting users with promises of high returns on their crypto investments. Once the users transfer their funds to the platform, the operators abscond with the money, leaving the users with no way to recover their investments.

Red Flags

Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
Crypto exchange scams bait unsuspecting victims with the promise of high returns. They attract individuals interested in investment into cryptocurrencies. By appearing as a legitimate platform, these establish trust among potential investors. Scammers employ numerous tactics. They may use flashy websites and marketing campaigns. Their platforms often imitate genuine crypto exchanges, making it difficult to tell them apart. These scammers also employ tactics such as pump-and-dump schemes. They artificially inflate the price of a less-known cryptocurrency to attract investors. Once the investors buy, the scammers sell their own shares, causing the price to plummet and investors to lose money. Another tactic often used is exit scams; scammers run the exchange for a period, and then disappear with user funds. They leave and no trace of the exchange remains. The investors are left with no way to recover their lost funds.


Allyprimecapital.com is a scam. They promise big returns on investments, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. Reviews for the company are missing. The site has no social media links. The images on the website don’t accurately represent the product. There’s no customer service phone number listed. An investment scam tricks people into […]


Delicateaesthetics.com, a website that’s been active for 85 days, is unfortunately not what it seems. It’s been found to be a fraudulent online store. The products sold on this site are not genuine and can potentially be dangerous, due to the inferior quality of the materials used in their production. A large number of indicators […]


Abeautifulmesshome.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, presenting itself as a legitimate store when it’s not. The products it offers are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The content on the site doesn’t appear to be authentic, as it doesn’t seem to be duplicated from other […]


In our investigation, we found out that Prodemfx.com, a supposed cryptocurrency exchange platform, is not what it seems. The platform promises substantial returns on investments, luring unsuspecting investors to part with their money. However, once you invest, the scammers disappear with your hard-earned cash. Unfortunately, the company’s online reputation is non-existent. Reviews, which could have […]


Pipgiants.com operates an investment scheme known to deceive unsuspecting individuals. The site’s operators make grandiose promises of significant returns, only to allegedly disappear once they receive your money. Searches for reviews on major platforms turn up nothing. Even a cursory glance at social media reveals a glaring absence of any business profiles for Pipgiants.com. The […]

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