10 months ago


Crypto scams

The website 247expertsplatform.com is part of a deceptive scheme involving cryptocurrencies. Discovered when it was just a few months old, the site lacks essential contact details like a customer service phone number. It tempts potential investors with the promise of substantial profits from their investments. However, once you invest your money, the fraudsters behind the scheme simply take it and disappear. The testimonials shown on the site aren’t from real people. Numerous unfinished pages, littered with generic content and placeholder text, are found throughout the site. Notably, the website doesn’t even have an official registered business name.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent operation that involves tricking individuals into investing in cryptocurrencies. The fraudsters often promise high returns on investments and use various deceptive tactics such as using fake testimonials and hiding their true identity. Once the victim invests their money, the scammer simply takes it and disappears.

Red Flags

Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
Crypto exchange scams are a notorious type of online fraud. Scammers create fake exchange platforms, promising high returns or low trading fees. They lure users into depositing cryptocurrency with the promise of lucrative trade opportunities. The design of these platforms mimics reputable exchanges, making them appear legitimate. This is a deceptive tactic used to gain the trust of potential victims. However, once users deposit their funds, they find that they cannot withdraw them. The scammers steal the cryptocurrency and disappear. The victims are left with no means of recovering their money. Often, these scams are promoted through social media advertisements, phishing emails or fake news articles. These methods are specifically targeted at individuals who are new to the crypto world and may not be aware of the risks.


Waziminner.com, a website only 146 days old, has been identified as a crypto scam. The company’s contact details, including a customer service phone number, are conspicuously absent from the site. Moreover, the address provided for the company doesn’t exist. The collaborations touted on the website are fraudulent, and the company is nowhere to be found […]


Aitrading.asia has been identified as operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises significant returns on your investments, however, once you deposit your money, the fraudsters abscond with it. Surprisingly, the business has no social media presence. Many of the pages on the site are still under development, populated with generic content and placeholder text. […]


Laptopfarm.store is a website that’s been identified as a fraudulent online shop. The material on this site bears a striking similarity to that of other websites, suggesting plagiarism. The products offered for sale on this site are not authentic and could be hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The business address […]


Fast-deliveries.online raises flags of a potential logistics scam. The website’s recent registration, at a mere 23 days old at the time of investigation, casts doubt. It lacks a contact phone number, adding to the suspicion. The website’s content is not original, but a replica of another similar website, raising more eyebrows. The business address listed […]


Consumers have flagged Crypcoinbreach.com for conducting a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises substantial returns on investments, but the reality is different. Once investors deposit their money, the fraudsters disappear with it. Interestingly, no reviews about the company are available. The content on the website lacks originality and seems to be copied from other similar […]

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