10 months ago


Investment scams

Evergreenwealthsolution.ltd has been flagged as a fraudulent investment scheme. They create an illusion of profitable investment opportunities, but once the money is invested, the fraudsters pocket the funds and vanish. The site lacks a customer service contact number. Moreover, the address displayed on the website is not real. The business has not been legally registered in the state it purports to be based in. Interestingly, the images posted on the website do not accurately represent the product they’re selling. Several incomplete pages filled with default text and placeholders are scattered across the website. Also, the website has failed to garner any followers on social media.

An investment scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters induce investors to make monetary investments, promising high returns. However, the scammers pocket the money and disappear, leaving the investors with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
An investment scam lures people into making financial investments with the promise of high returns. Often, these scams use persuasive language and promise a 'sure thing', presenting an opportunity that's too good to pass up. Scammers might boast about their insider information, or claim to have a foolproof strategy for beating the market. They can employ a variety of tactics, including aggressive sales tactics. They may pressure you to invest immediately, saying that the opportunity will be gone if you don't act now. Some scammers use sophisticated websites and professional-looking documentation to appear legitimate. Others might use testimonials from seemingly satisfied customers to add credibility to their scheme. In reality, these scams are designed to steal your money. The promised returns are nonexistent, and the money you invest usually ends up in the scammer's pocket.


Laplaceusa.shop is a website that’s been flagged as a fraudulent online store. It’s been noticed that the site employs stock images for the items it’s selling. Interestingly, there is no discernible customer service contact number available. The website’s registration is quite recent, with the domain name being a mere 94 days old at the time […]


Earncount.com has been identified as perpetrating an investment scam. They convey a promise of high returns on your investment, but once you’ve deposited your money, the fraudsters vanish with it. You’ll find no trace of the business on social media platforms. Despite their claims of numerous online partnerships, in reality, they have none. The website […]


Orbit-mining.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. The perpetrators of this scam lure unsuspecting investors with the promise of high returns. However, once the investment is made, they disappear with the funds. Our investigation revealed several pages on the website that are still under construction, populated with placeholder content. The fraud came to […]


Customers have raised complaints about Apparel-autumn.com, accusing it of being a fraudulent online store. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 92 days prior to this report. A glaring omission on the site is the lack of a customer service phone number. The business address provided on the website is also false. The […]


The website Cotandbows.shop has received reports as a fraudulent online store. The website had only been operational for 29 days when these reports surfaced. It lacked a customer service telephone number, a common feature for legitimate businesses. The product images used on the site did not accurately depict the items for sale. Additionally, several incomplete […]

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