10 months ago


Investment scams

Customers have raised concerns about Egomining.com, accusing it of running an investment fraud. The website lures potential investors with the promise of significant returns on initial investments. However, once the money is deposited, the so-called investors disappear, taking the money with them. The contact numbers provided on the website are not functional and the business address given is a sham. The photographs displayed on the website are not genuine, and the associations that the company claims to have are non-existent. There are numerous pages on the website that are under construction, filled with placeholders and dummy content.

Investment scams are fraudulent schemes in which people are enticed to part with their money with the promise of a profitable return. They often involve a person or company posing as a legitimate investment firm or financial advisor. The perpetrators typically disappear after collecting funds, leaving the investor with a significant financial loss.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Phone disconnected
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
No SSL certificate
No terms & conditions
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme that makes unsuspecting individuals part with their money. The scammer promises high returns and low risk, luring people into investing their hard-earned money. Typically, these scams are slick and professional. They often come in the form of cold calls, social media messages or email. The scammer might claim to have insider information, or they'll paint a picture of a unique opportunity that requires immediate action. Often, the scammer will ask for an initial investment which they claim will be used to generate large returns. Once the money is handed over, the scammer disappears, and no returns are ever seen. In some cases, scammers might pay out small returns initially. This gives the impression that the investment is legitimate, encouraging more investment and attracting new victims. This tactic is known as a Ponzi scheme. Remember, if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it likely is.


Our investigation has revealed that Bitwesten.com is functioning as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, which was only 81 days old at the time of our findings, appears to have plagiarized content, bearing a striking resemblance to other similar sites. Although they promise substantial returns on investments, the reality is that once you invest, the […]


X-bitcoin-club.org, a website that has been active for 75 days, is conducting a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The site lacks a customer service phone number, making it difficult for users to reach out for assistance or clarification. Furthermore, the reviews showcased on the site are not genuine, adding another layer of deceit to their operation. The […]


Zicronx.com has been identified as a scam targeted at investors. This website entices potential victims with promises of high returns on their investments. However, once one transfers their funds to them, the fraudulent individuals running the site pocket the money and vanish. This nefarious activity was spotted while the website was still in its relative […]


Pointbillfinance.com, a relatively new website, is currently operating a scam related to cryptocurrency exchange. The site, which is just over 100 days old, promises significant percentage growth on initial investments. However, after investors deposit their funds, the fraudsters disappear with the money. The website is incomplete, with many pages still containing default content and placeholder […]


Bitpandtrade.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The website, which has been active for 144 days at the time of this report, lacks a visible customer service number. The business address provided on the site is phony. Its presence on social media is almost invisible. No reviews for the company are available on well-known consumer […]

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