6 months ago


Investment scams

According to reports, Allytradebits.com is involved in fraudulent investment practices. They entice you with promises of significant monetary growth from your investment. However, once the investment is made, the scammers abscond with the money. Unfortunately, the website lacks a customer support phone number. Further investigation reveals that the provided business address is fictitious. The images showcased on this website are deceptive, as they do not accurately depict the product offered.

The website also contains several incomplete pages filled with placeholder content and space-markers, which raises further suspicions. Adding to the growing list of red flags, the website’s proclaimed online partnerships have been proven to be non-existent.

An investment scam involves deceptive practices to convince individuals to invest their money in a venture that promises substantial returns. However, these promises are empty and the scammer typically vanishes with the invested funds. These scams can take various forms, such as pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, and fraudulent online platforms like Allytradebits.com.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme that aims to steal money from unsuspecting people. Scammers promise high returns with little to no risk, often pressuring their targets to make quick decisions. They use various tactics to appear legitimate, including professional-looking websites and documents. They might even pose as government officials or financial advisors. Scammers often exploit current events or new technologies to make their schemes sound innovative. They may use complex jargon to confuse their targets and make their investments seem more credible. The truth is, these so-called investments do not exist. The money victims invest goes directly to the scammers. These scams can leave victims with significant financial loss. It's crucial to understand the tactics scammers use.


Consumers have flagged Newstylehume.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which is relatively new, was registered just 93 days ago at the time of this report. It features images that are not authentic. Despite its presence online, the company has no reviews on major customer review platforms. The absence of a customer service […]


Customers have raised concerns about Firetrapsport.com, claiming it’s involved in a collection scam. The products sold on this site are counterfeit, which could potentially pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their creation. Investigations indicate that the people running this website are likely based in China. The pictures showcased on their platform […]


Ascentcycle.shop appears to be engaging in fraudulent activities with its online store. Upon investigation, this website was discovered to be only 26 days old. Interestingly, there’s no customer service phone number listed anywhere on the site. The content found on the website seems unoriginal, bearing striking similarities with other similar online platforms. The products offered […]


Jamphel.com, a website that’s been around for 67 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. There’s no contact number listed for customer service, which is a red flag. The website’s content appears to be a carbon copy of other sites, which diminishes its authenticity. It’s also noticeable that the products showcased use stock […]


Tradestationplus.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. The site promises hefty returns on investments, but in reality, the operators abscond with the funds once they’re deposited. Several pages on the website are still in the development phase, filled with generic content and placeholder tags. The company’s touted online partnerships are not authentic. When […]

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