11 months ago


Fake stores

Thebathfurniture.com is a website that has been accused of operating a fraudulent virtual store. The website was established just two months ago. Interestingly, there’s no provision of a direct phone line for customer service on the platform. There’s a degree of suspicion surrounding the authenticity of the website’s content, given that it doesn’t match similar pages. The products advertised here are dubious, potentially posing safety risks due to the low-quality materials used to create them. Additionally, the business location given on the website remains unverified. The product images displayed don’t genuinely represent the items being sold. It’s also worth noting that the website has no footprint on social media platforms, and no customer reviews of the company can be found on any of the well-known consumer review sites.

Fake store scams are fraudulent online businesses designed to trick buyers into purchasing non-existent or low-quality products. They often lack clear contact information, have questionable website content, display unrealistic product images, and have no presence on social media or customer review platforms. These scams can pose serious safety risks and result in financial loss for the victims.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves an illicit website pretending to be an authentic online shop. These sites often display attractive items at unbelievably low prices. The design of the sites may appear professional and trustworthy. The scammer's aim is to lure unsuspecting buyers into making a purchase. They may use tactics like countdown timers for "limited time" sales, or claim there's only a small number of items left, to create a sense of urgency. Once a purchase is made, the site does not deliver the goods. Instead, the scammer disappears with the buyer's money. They might also misuse the credit card details provided by the buyer. Often these fake stores pop up during holiday seasons or other peak shopping times. They use advertisements on social media and emails to reach potential victims. Also consumers are easily fooled by the authentic look and feel of the website, and the too-good-to-be-true prices.


Cryptspacepro.com has been found to be orchestrating an investment con. Promising high returns on investments, the moment you put your money in, it disappears into the fraudsters’ pockets. Upon exploring the website, we discovered numerous incomplete pages, which are still filled with default content and placeholder subtleties. Interestingly, the site doesn’t have any followers across […]


Louiseclothes.com, a relatively new website only 53 days old, is under scrutiny by consumers for allegedly operating a fraudulent online store. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising suspicion among its visitors. Not only that, but the website’s content appears to be plagiarized from other similar sites, casting doubt on its originality. The […]


People have reported Corporatesilverfunds.com for operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme. When this information surfaced, the website had been active for 99 days. The site gives the impression of promising high returns on investments. However, after individuals invest, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish. The company is not legally registered in the state it purports […]


Liveearningcapital.com is engaging in fraudulent investment practices. They make enticing promises of rapid wealth growth, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The website has several empty pages filled with generic content and temporary text. The partnerships showcased on the site are fictitious. The graphics used on the webpage do not accurately represent […]


Bitchainbucks.org, a website claiming to offer profitable cryptocurrency exchange services, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. Despite promising substantial returns on investments, the site’s operators are actually scammers who abscond with the funds. At the time of discovery, the website had been in operation for 85 days. Many of the site’s pages are still […]

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