11 months ago


Fake stores

Our research indicates Bizfivestar.com seems to be functioning as a counterfeit online shop. The website, which at the point of discovery was a mere 59 days old, exhibits a lack of original content. It has been observed that much of its material appears to be copied from similar sites. The listed business address on the site turned out to be fraudulent. Several sections of the site are still under construction, filled with prefabricated content and placeholder texts. Further, the customer service phone numbers provided on the site seem to be unreachable. A disturbing absence of this company is noted on all social media platforms. Furthermore, the company is mysteriously missing from any major customer review platforms.

A fake store scam is essentially a deceitful online shop set up to defraud customers. They often list products at low prices to lure you into purchasing, but once the payment is made, you either receive a counterfeit product or nothing at all. These sites typically lack legitimacy indicators like original content, a verifiable business address, responsive customer service and presence on social media or customer review platforms.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam often occurs online. Scammers create websites that mimic legitimate retailers. They often use fake images, forged logos, and misleading URLs to deceive users. The scammers entice customers with tempting offers. You may see low prices or exclusive items not found elsewhere. Payment methods may seem secure, but they often lead directly to the scammer. Once payment is made, the scammers either send nothing or send a low-quality counterfeit. If items do arrive, they're often not as described. Refunds or exchanges are typically impossible to obtain. In some cases, these scams also involve identity theft or credit card fraud. The scammers collect sensitive details during the checkout process. The information can then be used for further fraudulent activities. So, when shopping online, be careful about verifying the legitimacy of online stores before making any purchases.


Maxim-lighting.com, a recently launched website, is suspected of being a fraudulent online store. The domain name is just 130 days old, and there’s no customer service number available. The site features fabricated reviews from imaginary people, raising more red flags. Furthermore, there are indications that the site’s operations are based in China. It also seems […]


Truefishst.shop is a scam. The site probably runs from China. When we checked, the website was 144 days old. The photos on the site don’t show the real products. The website displays fake reviews from made-up customers. The business doesn’t seem to be registered in the state it says it’s in. No reviews of the […]


Customers have flagged Shopmooringtech.shop over dubious operations resembling a fake store scam. The website content borrows heavily from similar sites, raising suspicion of lack of originality. The products offered on this platform are not genuine and may pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The product images do not accurately […]


Finerugcollections.shop has been flagged for operating as a fraudulent online store. The products showcased on this digital platform are counterfeit, potentially posing safety risks due to the inferior materials used in their production. The website has also been found guilty of content theft, mirroring the design and layout of other similar websites. The website’s registration […]


Forextrasmarttrading.com, a recently launched website, has been identified as an investment scam. The company promises substantial returns on investments, but once the money is invested, the scammers disappear. Despite its promises, the company lacks a presence on major consumer review platforms, and there’s no evidence of any social media followers. The website itself is riddled […]

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