11 months ago


Fake stores

Beriostore.com, a relatively new website, has raised red flags for fraudulent activity. Just 59 days old, this online store displays many signs of a scam. A significant concern is the absence of a customer service phone number, making it difficult for patrons to reach out for help or inquiries. Furthermore, the business address provided on the site is misleading, adding to the suspicions.

The content on the website also raises questions about its authenticity. It doesn’t align with similar pages, suggesting a lack of originality and potential plagiarism. Additionally, the products offered on the site are far from genuine. The inferior quality of materials used in making these products poses a potential risk to customers.

Adding to the dubious nature of this website, there are numerous incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and preset content. These unfinished pages further discredit the website’s professionalism and legitimacy. Moreover, the absence of an official business name on the website is another red flag.

A fake store scam is an online retail scheme where unscrupulous individuals create a website that mimics a legitimate online store. They offer products at attractive prices, but the goods are either counterfeit or never delivered. The goal is to deceive customers into parting with their money under the guise of a legitimate transaction.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceitful scheme involving a phony online shop. The scammer creates a website showcasing attractive products at discounted prices. They often use high-quality images and compelling descriptions to make the products look legitimate. This scammer might also use paid advertisements for their fake store. This gives the false impression of a thriving, popular online shop. The main objective of the scammer is to get your credit card information. When you try to purchase something, they'll ask for these details. They can then use this data for fraudulent activities, like making unauthorized purchases. Some scammers also request direct bank transfers. When a customer makes such a payment, the scammer gets the money but never delivers the purchased item. The customer loses their money and receives nothing in return. One common tactic these scammers use includes creating fake customer reviews. These reviews make the store seem reliable and trustworthy, further encouraging potential victims to make purchases.


Ultimatetradefx.com finds itself in the spotlight for potential fraudulent activity. Promises of extraordinary profit entice you to invest, yet once you do, the fraudsters take the cash and disappear. The business’s physical address listed on the site is not genuine. The name the site claims to run under doesn’t hold registration in the state it […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Eufundtrade.com, accusing the site of operating an investment scam. The scheme promises attractive returns on investments. However, after the investment is made, the fraudsters abscond with the money. The website contains numerous incomplete pages, filled with default content and placeholder text. The online partnerships that the site advertises are not […]


Cristol-biz.com, a recently launched website, appears to be a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The domain name, barely 146 days old, lacks essential contact details such as a customer support phone number. The business address provided online is fictitious, and there are no social media profiles linked to the company. Despite its absence on major consumer review […]


Qinoxplatform.com, a website that’s been active for 141 days, is reportedly operating an investment scam. The phone numbers listed on the site are currently non-functional, and it has no social media followers. Despite extensive searches, no reviews for the company could be found on any major consumer review websites. Although the website promises significant percentage […]


Rleathers.com is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent online store. Despite its presence on the internet, there are no reviews for the company on any of the major consumer review platforms. A deep dive into the site reveals many incomplete pages, filled with default content and placeholder text. Furthermore, the website has […]

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