12 months ago


Fake stores

Stylish-wallpaper.com is operating an unauthentic online store. The website, barely two months old at the time it was spotted, lacks a customer service phone number for shoppers to contact. The content displayed on the site isn’t unique. Moreover, the images used to depict the products they are selling aren’t accurate representations. In addition, the company has very little to no presence on social media.

Online shopping can be a risky venture as the internet is rife with online stores that aren’t legitimate. One such example is a fake store scam, where a website pretends to sell products but in reality, the only intent is to deceive customers. Often times these sites are new, offer no contact information, use unoriginal content, and have little brand visibility across social platforms. They may also use images that don’t accurately represent the products they claim to sell.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam, as its name implies, involves a fictitious online store that tricks consumers into making a purchase. The store often displays high demand goods at unbeatably low prices. Scammers create a professional-looking website, complete with fake customer reviews and security badges. These false promises of quality, safety, and customer satisfaction are designed to gain trust and lure people into making purchases, They usually request payment through untraceable methods. Whether you fall for it and make a payment, you'll never receive your ordered item. In addition, your credit card or personal details may be stolen in the process. Always remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.


A new website called Dexiofficialnework.net is running an investment scam. The scam was spotted when the site was just 20 days old. You can’t reach customer service through the phone numbers listed. The address on the site doesn’t match any real business location. They promise big returns on your investment, but once you invest, they […]


Customers have flagged Premiumcent.com as a fraudulent cryptocurrency platform. Despite being a relatively new site, only 121 days old, it has already raised suspicions. The customer service numbers provided are non-functional, and the company’s listed address is fake. It falsely claims to be legally established in a certain state. The images displayed on the site […]


Fastlinkglobalexpress.com stands accused of operating a fraudulent logistics scheme. The website, a mere 43 days old when discovered, features reviews that are not genuine. Analysis of the site’s data exposes replicated content, lacking any original material. The business address touted on the website is an invention. The company, contrary to its claims, does not have […]


Ropaboutiquesale.com, a website we’ve been monitoring, appears to be a fraudulent online store. Despite being active for 143 days, it doesn’t provide a customer service phone number. The images featured on the site are counterfeit, and it has no presence on social media platforms. Furthermore, we couldn’t find any reviews on major platforms. A fake […]


Our team has recently picked up on suspicious activity from Springwealths.com, suggesting that it might be a fraudulent investment operation. The website is new, having been registered a mere 78 days ago as per our latest updates. Interestingly, no customer service contact number is displayed on the site; a red flag in itself. Furthermore, the […]

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