Shoppers have flagged for perpetrating an online scam with a counterfeit store. The products featured on this platform are fake, and the poor-quality materials used in their composition could be potentially hazardous. The website itself lacks originality, bearing an uncanny resemblance to a number of similar scam sites. The scam came to light when the site was merely 45 days old. Furthermore, the company has no visibility on well-known consumer feedback platforms, highlighting its lack of credibility. It also lacks a social media following, further reducing its legitimacy in the eyes of potential customers. The website is riddled with incomplete pages filled with placeholder text and generic content. To top it off, there’s no customer service contact number listed on the site.
A counterfeit store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website poses as a legitimate online store. However, the products sold are counterfeit and potentially harmful due to the use of substandard materials. This scam can be identified by similarities with other scam websites, lack of social media presence, and absence of customer reviews.