Customers have voiced complaints against, accusing the website of being a fraudulent online store. It seems the images displayed on the site are not true representations of the products they’re supposed to be selling. The website is quite new, having been registered just 57 days prior to this report. Concerns are raised further because the website lacks a customer service phone number. Additionally, the content on the website is not original, but rather copied from other sites. The products advertised for sale, which are counterfeits, could potentially pose safety hazards due to the low-quality materials used to make them. Surprisingly, there are zero reviews of the company on popular consumer review websites, which is not a good sign. Furthermore, the company has no visible social media presence, raising even more red flags.
Essentially, a fake store scam is when a fraudulent website poses as a legitimate e-commerce platform. They typically display products for sale, often at attractive prices, to lure in unsuspecting customers. However, their intent is to deceive; either by failing to deliver the purchased goods or by delivering counterfeit, substandard, or unsafe products. The lack of customer service, copied website content, and absence of reviews are common indicators of such scams.