11 months ago


Fake stores

Consumers have flagged Pojkklader.com for conducting fraudulent business activities. The website, with a domain name just 57 days old at the time of this revelation, is freshly registered. It has been observed that the content on this site lacks uniqueness, apparently copied from other similar websites. The products displayed on the website are deceptive, posing potential hazards due to the inferior quality of materials used in their manufacture. Sadly, the site does not list a customer service phone number. Moreover, the images used on the website are counterfeit. Surprisingly, the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Several incomplete web pages containing filler text and default content have been found on the site.

Fake store scams, such as the one run by Pojkklader.com, usually involve a fraudulent business that creates a website to sell products that don’t exist or are of poor quality. These scams often use copied content, fake images, and have a lack of customer service contact information. They may have little to no social media presence and contain incomplete web pages with placeholder text.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Fake store scams are a common type of online fraud. Scammers will set up a website that looks like a legitimate online store. They often use well-known brand names or popular products to lure in unsuspecting customers. These fake stores promise low prices or exclusive deals. This is a tactic to trick people into thinking they're getting a bargain. In reality, the scammers are after your money and personal information. Once an order is placed, the fake store might send a cheap knockoff, nothing at all, or even worse, they could use your credit card details for other fraudulent activities. The customer service provided is usually non-existent or unhelpful, making it impossible to get a refund or resolve the issue. It's a sneaky, deceptive scam that can cause significant financial loss and stress. Always remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Consumers have raised alarms about Fxretailer.com, accusing it of operating a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The company lures potential investors with promises of substantial returns. However, once the investment is made, the alleged scammers pocket the money and vanish without a trace. The website was a mere 95 days old when the scam was detected. Furthermore, […]


Fxzartrade.com, a notorious website, has been caught red-handed operating an investment fraud. They lure unsuspecting individuals with the temptation of high returns on investments. However, the reality is far from this. The moment you invest your hard-earned money, these swindlers disappear into thin air, leaving you high and dry. The website’s social media presence is […]


Festoonedchristmas.com has been flagged as a fraudulent retailing site. Its shady dealings were discovered when the site was merely 91 days into operation. The items on offer are counterfeit, posing potential threats owing to the sub-standard materials utilized for their production. Evidence points towards China as the hub of the website’s operations. The pictures displayed […]


Mengesh.com, a recently registered website, has been discovered to be operating a fraudulent online store. The website, just 67 days old at the time of this investigation, is still under construction, with many pages filled with default content and placeholders. The company’s social media presence is virtually non-existent, with no followers on any platforms. The […]


An investigation has determined that Buyacmetools.com is a fraudulent online store that has been operating since February 22, 2023. The purported business address, 711 Zimmerman Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA, is a shared location amongst numerous other scam online stores. The website’s ownership is deliberately obscured through the use of a third-party privacy service. […]

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